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wiki:autolit:extraction:extract [2022/04/22 19:41]
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-====== Data Extraction ====== 
-Data extraction is the last major step to complete your Nest. Data must be extracted correctly in order to ensure accurate results. 
-===== Steps for Data Extraction: ===== 
-==== 1. Navigate to Extraction ==== 
-Select "Extraction" from the menu: 
-==== 2. Add Study Arms ==== 
-To add study arms and identify the Intervention used for each arm, click the "+" button in the Study Arms section of the Study Design panel (upper right). 
-Then, determine what Intervention the study investigated and then find that Intervention using the Intervention drop down menu: 
-Next, determine how many participants were included in the study and put that number in the "Arm Size" box. 
-**//Add a new Study Arm for every patient group you want to extract separately.// ** 
-==== 3. Extract the Data: ==== 
-Once you have finished establishing the Study Arms, you are ready to extract the data from the underlying study. The first step in doing so, for each Data Element, is establishing the Measurement Timepoint for each Data Element. 
-=== 3a. Select Measurement Timepoints === 
-Each Data Element has one Timepoint presented by default; select whether this timepoint will be: 
-  * **Baseline: **Usually reported at the start of a study. One Baseline timepoint per Data Element will be displayed on Synthesis. 
-  * **Outcome: **Reported at a designated follow-up period. One Outcome timepoint per Data Element will be displayed on Synthesis. 
-  * **Other: **Any additional timepoint reported that is of interest. Any number of Other timepoints may be created and saved in AutoLit, but //**"Other" timepoints will not be presented on Synthesis.** // 
-<WRAP center round important 60%> 
-When you designate a timepoint as "Baseline" or "Outcome", you are designating that its data should be pooled with other studies' data. This means that the Measurement Timepoint you designate as "Outcome", for instance, in each study, must be similar to the "Outcome" timepoint designated in all other studies in that nest. </WRAP> 
-=== 3b. Enter Time and Units for each Measurement Timepoint === 
-For each Timepoint, enter the follow-up period with the appropriate unit of time (Days, Weeks, etc.). For Baseline Timepoints, this will typically be 0 days. 
-=== 3c. Extract the Data for each Measurement Timepoint === 
-Read through the study and extract the relevant data scoped to each specific Timepoint. **//If the total population for that Data Element differs from the total population you reported for the Study Arm as a whole, ensure that you edit this information in the "N" column.//  ** 
-=== 3d. How to use Tags to inform Extraction === 
-If you hover over the tag symbol on each data point, you will notice that the tags applied will appear. This allows for a quick and efficient way to confirm the work of the taggers, as well as the tags giving information to you as the extractor. 
-=== 3e. How to use the "Status" symbols === 
-**__CAUTION:__  **Watch for the red Xs that appear under "Status". This means something is wrong with the data. 
-**//If any of your data elements have a red X, DO NOT hit "Complete". You will need to figure out the problem and fix it before hitting "Complete" or risk losing the data from that row.//  ** 
-==== 4. Complete Data Extraction ==== 
-Once you have input all of the relevent and correct data __AND__  all of the timepoints for each Data Element you extracted have a green check mark, you can hit complete and move onto the next study! 
wiki/autolit/extraction/extract.1650656467.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/04/22 19:41 by kevinkallmes