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wiki:autolit:screening:robot [2022/07/25 07:57]
wiki:autolit:screening:robot [2024/06/10 19:38]
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-=====Robot Screener ======+===== Guidance on Robot Screener in Dual Two Pass Mode =====
-Robot Screener is an automated replacement for one of the human reviewers traditionally involved in dual screening.+The recommended practice is to **use Robot Screener as a reviewer in Abstract Screening** when in Dual Two Pass mode, and use fully manual Full Text screening.
-===== Enabling Robot Screener =====+   * Abstract Screening requires **50**  abstract adjudicated records, either advanced or excluded under Abstract Screening –> Adjudicate Screening, and **10**  advanced records 
 +      * These actions must be performed before Robot Screener can be turned on for Abstract Screening
-Robot Screener may be enabled from Screening Settings, under "Inclusion Modeling". Before Robot Screener can be enabled, the nest must: +  Because fewer records are availablemore intensive assessment of the full text is needed, and final decisions on inclusion are made at the Full Text stage, AutoLit does not currently offer Robot Screener at the Full Text Screening stage. 
- +      You can keep Robot Screener toggled 'onthroughout your screening process, but once records are Advanced from Abstract Screeningeach record must be screened by two independent screeners before proceeding to adjudication.
-  Be configured for dual screening +
-  * And contain **50**  adjudicated //records // (i.e. having a final screening decision) +
-  * And contain **5**  included records +
- +
-The latter two requirements ensure a minimum model accuracy; howeverthe model will be suboptimal with this volume of training data, and typically improves as more records are screened. +
- +
-===== In Action ===== +
- +
-==== Which Records ==== +
- +
-Robot Screener automatically adds a reviewer-level screening decision to records with: +
- +
-  Fewer than 2 reviewer-level screening decisions +
-  * No adjudicated screening decision +
- +
-Records it excludes will exclusively be assigned the exclusion reason ''Robot Excluded'' +
- +
-==== When ==== +
- +
-Robot Screener adds/updates its screening decisions when: +
- +
-  * Robot Screener is enabled +
-  * A new inclusion model is trained +
-  * New records are imported into your nest +
-  * 10 addditional records have been adjudicatedsince the model was last trained +
- +
-As pointed out above, Robot Screener will not modify its decision on a record after that record has been adjudicated. Prior to adjudication, its decision on a record may be modified, reflecting more information available to it & improvement in its accuracy.+