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wiki:autolit:search:bibliomine [2022/05/23 18:57]
wiki:autolit:search:bibliomine [2024/05/17 14:16]
jthurnham [3. Upload file]
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 ====== Bibliomine ====== ====== Bibliomine ======
-When you are performing your literature review, it is often useful to be able to quickly grab references from other papers on your subject of interest. Bibliomining, or citation mining, refers to the act of identifying relevant studies by reviewing the citation list of a study with high relevance to your research question.+When you are performing your literature review, it is often useful to be able to quickly grab references from other papers on your subject of interest. Bibliomining, or citation mining, refers to the act of identifying relevant studies by reviewing and importing the citation list of a study with high relevance to your research question. 
 + {{youtube>DC_p_3zAwnk}}
 ==== 1. Navigate to Other Sources ==== ==== 1. Navigate to Other Sources ====
-{{:wiki:autolit:search:nk-red-other-sources.png?600|Other Sources}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_15.14.29.png?nolink |}}
 ---- ----
-==== 2. Switch to the biblio-mine tab ==== 
-{{:wiki:autolit:search:nk-red-bibliomine-tab.png?600| Bibliomine tab}}+==== 2. Switch to the bibliomine tab ====
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_15.15.03.png?nolink |}}
 ---- ----
 ==== 3. Upload file ==== ==== 3. Upload file ====
-Upload a PDF with the study to be biblio-mined. Generally, you should biblio-mine from existing Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. It may take a few minutes to run.+Upload a PDF of the study containing the reference you want to bibliomine. Generally, you should bibliomine from existing Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on your topic of interest. It may take a few minutes to run.
-{{:wiki:autolit:search:nk-bibliomine-upload-section.png?400}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_15.16.03.png?nolink |}}
-When finished, your references will still Require Review! +At this point**your records will still require review before being added to your nest!**
 ---- ----
-==== 4. View and Edit References ==== 
-View the references pulled from the uploaded study.+==== 4View Bibliomined References ====
-{{:wiki:autolit:search:nk-bibliomine-antipsychotics.png?600}}+When finished, your references will still Require Review! In this step, you should examine the bibliographic data (Title, author information, PMID/DOI if present); since this process involves pulling text from PDFs, there is a chance that the bibliographic data are incorrect.
-For any reference that is incomplete or incorrectly recognized in the underlying PDF, select the "x" to delete. You can still add any of these references [[:wiki:autolit:search:manualaddition|manually]], but ensure that you have removed any incorrect citation information before selecting "Send to Screening."+{{:wiki:autolit:search:bib.png?nolink&}} 
 +Select the eye icon to view the references pulled from the uploaded study. 
 +<WRAP center round tip 90%> You can review the PDF of a previously bibliomed manuscript by clicking on the link in the file column of the bibliomine tab. A PDF of the bibliomined review will download automatically. This is helpful if you want to see the full text of a document someone else bibliomined! </WRAP> 
 +==== 5. Review Reference Information ==== 
 +Clicking the eye icon will open a page displaying title, abstract, PMID/DOI/link, and the option to delete records: {{:wiki:autolit:search:nk-bibliomine-antipsychotics.png?nolink&}} 
 +For any reference that is incomplete or incorrectly recognized in the underlying PDF, select the "x" to delete. For example, if an incomplete title is saved or a blank row has been inserted (see example below), delete those references before sending to screening.{{:wiki:autolit:search:screenshot_2022-05-24_143906.png?nolink&}} 
 +You can still add any of these references [[:wiki:autolit:search:manualaddition|manually]], but ensure that you have removed any incorrect citation information before selecting "Send to Screening."
 === Bibliographic Data === === Bibliographic Data ===
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 === Send to Screening === === Send to Screening ===
-When you have finished viewing and editing the references from a PDF, select "Send to Screening" from the main Biblio-mine page to queue all studies for [[:wiki:autolit:screening|Screening]]. **This step is irreversible, **so do not press Send to Screening until you have finalized the references you would like to import!+When you have finished viewing and editing the references from a PDF, select "Send to Screening" from the main Biblio-mine page to queue all studies for [[:wiki:autolit:screening|]]. **This step is irreversible, **so do not press Send to Screening until you have finalized the references you would like to import! 
 +<WRAP center round help 90%> Q. What if the uploaded Systematic Review reports the included trials in a supplementary appendix or a table only?
-<WRAP center round help 90%> Q. What if the uploaded Systematic Review reports the included trials in a supplementary appendix or a table only? A. The biblio-mining tool depends on being able to recognize a consistent format for references in the uploaded article's bibliography. Materials found only in tables or supplementary resources will not be identified, and formats not supported by the biblio-mining tool may need to be manually removed before finalizing your list of studies to be queued. </WRAP>+A. The biblio-mining tool depends on being able to recognize a consistent format for references in the uploaded article's bibliography. Materials found only in tables or supplementary resources will not be identified, and formats not supported by the biblio-mining tool may need to be manually removed before finalizing your list of studies to be queued. </WRAP>
wiki/autolit/search/bibliomine.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 15:04 by jthurnham