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Bringing Systematic Review to Life

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wiki:support:releases [2023/10/05 02:21]
wiki:support:releases [2024/06/05 05:04]
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 Nested Knowledge uses [[|Semantic Versioning]] for labelling releases. Major version bumps (e.g. 1.x.x to 2.x.x) typically signal that an existing workflow will break & all impacted users will be notified in advance. Minor & patch version bumps (e.g. x.x.1 to x.x.2) correspond to new features, iteration on an existing features, and/or bug fixes. Users typically need not pay attention to these changes to continue using NK as they did before (although they may be missing out on awesome new things)! Nested Knowledge uses [[|Semantic Versioning]] for labelling releases. Major version bumps (e.g. 1.x.x to 2.x.x) typically signal that an existing workflow will break & all impacted users will be notified in advance. Minor & patch version bumps (e.g. x.x.1 to x.x.2) correspond to new features, iteration on an existing features, and/or bug fixes. Users typically need not pay attention to these changes to continue using NK as they did before (although they may be missing out on awesome new things)!
 +===== 1.84 =====
 +==== 1.84.0 (2024-06-04) ====
 +   * NKScheduler now more robust to large numbers of searches and ml models
 +  * Bibliomine attempts are now included in nest copies
 +  * When reoccuring searches complete, users are now notified by email
 +  * Upon creation, new nests are now placed in the folder the user had opened
 +  * Teams now inherit templates from parent organization
 +  * Nest backup renamed to Versions with added ability to release these versions to Synthesis
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Fixed broken tests (dev initiative)
 +  * Upgraded RDS TLS Cert (dev initiative)
 +  * Smart tag regen requests no longer failing
 +  * Studies without authors now appear in QNS
 +  * Multi-node jats properly import
 +  * Table contents import with title matching no longer randomly selects one row and removes others
 +  * Improved study deletion time by 200x (thank you Karl!)
 +===== 1.83 =====
 +==== 1.83.1 (2024-05-14) ====
 +  * Applied tags as annotations in individual and bulk FT PDF download
 +  * Nests with non-public Synthesis access shown on Nest Listing
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Library security patches
 +  * Protected Synthesis links not perpetuated on mobile
 +  * Home page layout on mobile
 +  * Removing possibility of creating multiple baseline or outcome timepoints for a given study & data element
 +==== 1.83.0 (2024-05-02) ====
 +  * Tag Configuration overhaul
 +      * More intuitive forms
 +      * Zoomable hierarchy
 +      * Switch orientation of hierarchy
 +      * Drag and drop positioning and ordering
 +      * Multi-tag selection for Tag Deletion and Hiding
 +  * QLS tag visualization improvement
 +  * Hot key screening
 +      * Enable via modal with ctrl+shift+s
 +  * Select specific studies in bulk for bibliomine
 +  * Support for Two Pass screening in CER Builder Screening export
 +  * Numerous file naming schemes for FT download from Inspector
 +  * Setting to disable all but file download share options in Synthesis
 +  * List Synthesis access from Nests (renamed from AutoLit Home)
 +  * Allow larger bulk FT imports (excepting unpaywall)
 +  * Date filtering UI for all automatic search creation
 +  * Quarterly recurring searches
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Table Horizontal overflow and scrolling behavior
 +  * SUCRA rankings not respecting "Higher Better" setting of Data Elements
 +  * Isolated negated top-level concepts dropped from Search Exploration when positive groups are present
 +  * Search deletion button missing in certain browsers
 +===== 1.82 =====
 +==== 1.82.0 (2024-04-10) ====
 +  * Ask AI (documentation)
 +  * Collaborator Organizations
 +  * Improved subscription checkout layout
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Faster categorical metric retrieval for MA Extraction in large nests
 +  * Arrow key navigation of tag tables and MA Extraction in Inspector should not jump to next record
 +===== 1.81 =====
 +==== 1.81.0 (2024-03-29) ====
 +  * Import Tag Table Contents
 +  * PRISMA exclusion reason grouping
 +  * Synthesis QoL improvements
 +      * Last viewed tab in study modal made sticky
 +      * Highlighting filtered tags in study modal
 +      * Only displaying relevant modules as configured (no disabled state)
 +      * Navigate study modal with arrow keys
 +  * Navigate Inspector with arrow keys
 +  * Generate a sharable link to the current record from the Reference pill
 +  * Integrating the new API
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * I<sup>2</sup>   icon missing on QNS
 +  * Recursive tag filter indicator missing on Inspector
 +  * Make the Inspector screening filter more robust to screening mode changes
 +===== 1.80 =====
 +==== 1.80.0 (2024-03-07) ====
 +  * Screening auto-adjudication with Any, Exact, and Shared modes
 +  * Manuscript download from Synthesis
 +  * Live DOI/Links from Table Builder tables on site
 +  * Import data via External ID
 +  * Team admins that are not org admins ability to manage users
 +  * Share from Embeds
 +  * Inspector: filter to multiple comma-separated Ref IDs
 +  * Created At and Included Record columns on AutoLit Home
 +  * Indicator of last opened record in Study Inspector
 +  * Improved consistency of Standard and Two Pass screening decisions upon mode switch
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Images inserted in abstract editor not appearing on Synthesis
 +  * MA Extraction crashes upon deletion of partial timepoint
 +  * Prefer table contents over text options when both configured
 +  * Manually created concepts in Search Exploration are not assigned their expected group
 +  * Navigated QLS Insights do not appear with description open
 +  * Improved display (min width) of wide configured tag table contents
 +  * Smart Tagging robustness improvements
 +===== 1.79 =====
 +==== 1.79.1 (2024-02-08) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Admins unable to add members to Organizations
 +==== 1.79.0 (2024-02-07) ====
 +  * Teams within organizations as an access entity
 +  * Nest invites appear on AutoLit Home
 +  * Filter to & display as a column Publication Type, Inspector and Table Builder
 +  * Add numerous missing bibliographic data columns to Table Builder
 +  * Filter to any empty & non-empty bibliographic field in Inspector ("Bibliographic Status")
 +  * Adjustable column widths in Inspector
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Proper 0-padding in all dates for fixed widths
 +  * Improved interface for editing Related Report family name
 +  * Truncate long root tag names in FBT root selection to avoid overflow
 +  * Publication Date filter in Inspector shows off-by-1
 +===== 1.78 =====
 +==== 1.78.2 (2024-01-15) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Improved quality of icons throughout the site
 +  * Allow tag recommendations when tag is configured for text options
 +  * Inspector tag contents filter
 +  * Easing the transition from standard to FBT with implied completion for single apply questions
 +  * Allow on-the-fly deletion of table columns
 +  * Proper error message when creating an organization with a pre-existing name
 +==== 1.78.1 (2024-01-05) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Import of public tagging templates
 +==== 1.78.0 (2024-01-03) ====
 +  * Text options contents in Tagging
 +  * Text options in table contents in Tagging
 +  * Honor FBT in Screening Tagging
 +  * Inspector filters for reviewer screening agreement/disagreement
 +  * Upgrading GPT 3.5 to GPT 4 Turbo in AB Smart Tagging
 +  * Speed improvements to Smart Tagging
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Uniform date presentation (ISO) throughout the site
 +  * Search tags with table contents in table builder
 +  * Alias search within tag selection menus
 +  * More explicit nest limit exceeded message for free tier paywall
 +  * Avoid related reports marked as duplicates from appearing in related report families
 +  * Correct ordering of tag selection menu in table builder
 +  * Glitchy download/edit tooltip in Dashboard
 +===== 1.77 =====
 +==== 1.77.1 (2023-12-14) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Proper copy of related report families
 +  * Protected Synthesis Home inaccessible without login
 +  * URI decoding for DOIs embedded in URLs
 +==== 1.77.0 (2023-12-11) ====
 +  * Related reports improvements:
 +      * View applied tags of related reports during tagging
 +      * Exporting related report family with filters and column
 +  * Filter Synthesis on study attributes
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Better handling large and homogenous inputs in Smart Tagging
 +===== 1.76 =====
 +==== 1.76.2 (2023-12-07) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Full text viewer getting cut off
 +  * Prevent whitespace addition to abstracts in bibliographic edit
 +==== 1.76.1 (2023-12-06) ====
 +  * KW/PICO highlighting in title as well as abstract
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Update Inspector columns immediately upon selection
 +  * Handle duplicate (case-insensitive) tag names in sheet-per-root table export
 +  * Flakey manual import from unpaywall
 +=====   =====
 +==== 1.76.0 (2023-11-30) ====
 +  * Show Ref ID & Author/Year for all study display modes
 +  * "Reviewed By" Screening Filters and Columns
 +  * Snappier AL Home load in
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Avoid vertical overflow of all study display modes (FT & Supplement views)
 +  * Avoid cycle creation in tag merge of parent/child
 +  * Occasionally incorrect paywall message on Nest creation
 +  * Login session disappears for certain error pages
 +  * Exporting sheet names with special characters and other Excel-specific requirements
 +===== 1.75 =====
 +==== 1.75.1 (2023-11-12) ====
 +  * Grouping questions to forms by root tags in FBT
 +  * Exporting tagging with columns grouped by root tag
 +  * Import documents via external id
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Exporting MA Extraction with >2 timepoints extracted in a data element
 +  * Optimizations in templated tag management
 +  * Delay in org access upon accepting invite
 +  * Copying nest with created and emptied dashboard
 +==== 1.75.0 (2023-11-03) ====
 +  * Article Galaxy Integration
 +  * Self-service pilot subscriptions
 +  * Free tier enforcement
 +      * Allow only 1 nest
 +      * Disallow addition of unsubscribed collaborators (individuals and organizations)
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Affinity of nest activity counts, standard inspector filters, and queue progress bars for two pass screening modes
 +  * Improved messaging for spotty internet connections and automated retries
 +  * Enabling search in table builder tag column creation
 +  * Only organizations a user is a member of may be added to nests
 +  * Better messaging on enforcement of subscription quantity limits
 +===== 1.74 =====
 +==== 1.74.0 (2023-10-31) ====
 +  * Tag and annotate supplemental materials
 +  * Import literature searches directly from spreadsheets
 +  * Use aliases in standard AB & FT tag recommendations
 +  * Public Templates
 +  * Template descriptions
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Update applied tag when prior tag contained table contents
 +  * Correcting linkout
 +===== 1.73 =====
 +==== 1.73.3 (2023-10-13) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Allow Protected Synthesis without authentication on mobile
 +==== 1.73.2 (2023-10-12) ====
 +  * Related Reports in Inspector: Primary Report column and filter
 +  * Duplicate Review and count shown in Literature Search
 +  * FBT as the default tagging mode
 +  * Pricing updates
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Loss of UI controls when reordering exclusion reasons with a drop out of the table
 +  * Changing nest organization owner occassionally results in 400
 +==== 1.73.1 (2023-10-06) ====
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Unable to import nest tag hierarchies into org templates
 +==== 1.73.0 (2023-10-05) ====
 +  * Hierarchical exclusion reasons
 +  * Ref ID-based data import
 +  * Resizable table columns in dashboard
 +  * xlsx table builder exports
 +  * Synthesis view counts for dashboard
 +**Bug Fixes**
 +  * Don't show org billing message when adding users to nest
 +  * Proper filename for dashboard table download
 +  * Removal of Mobile AutoLit
 +  * FT Uploads do not count towards "Report Sought" in PRISMA 2020
 +  * Proper overwrite behavior for tag import (no repeated applied tags)
 ===== 1.72 ===== ===== 1.72 =====
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 ==== 1.72.4 (2023-10-02) ==== ==== 1.72.4 (2023-10-02) ====
-**Bug Fixes**   +**Bug Fixes**
   * Nest Copy with file attachments in Protocol   * Nest Copy with file attachments in Protocol
wiki/support/releases.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/14 03:35 by kholub