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wiki:autolit:admin:configure [2024/07/24 15:47]
jthurnham [Hide Probabilities]
wiki:autolit:admin:configure [2024/09/23 11:54] (current)
jthurnham [Nest Access]
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   * **Exception: **if you are giving an Organization access to or ownership of a nest, that is a Nest-level Admin function; see the [[:wiki:autolit:access|Manage Access page]].   * **Exception: **if you are giving an Organization access to or ownership of a nest, that is a Nest-level Admin function; see the [[:wiki:autolit:access|Manage Access page]].
-{{ :undefined:screenshot_2023-12-06_at_15.39.12.png?nolink |}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_12.42.09.png?nolink |}}
 ===== 2. Synthesis ===== ===== 2. Synthesis =====
-From the Synthesis section, you can toggle 'on' or 'off' any Synthesis page:+==== Outputs Displayed ====
-  * **Toggle on or off**  Quantitative SynthesisQualitative Synthesis, Dashboard, Manuscript, Critical Appraisal, or PRISMA. If toggled off, that specific subsection will be greyed out in the Synthesis homepage+From the Synthesis section, you can toggle ‘on’ or off’ any Synthesis page: Qualitative Synthesis (QLS)Quantitative Synthesis (QNS), Manuscript, Dashboard, Critical Appraisal, or PRISMA. 
-Adjust the privacy/publicity of your Synthesis page to be PublicProtectedor Private:+ 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.32.00-2048x352.png?nolink |}} 
 +By default: 
 +  * QLS and PRISMA outputs are toggled on 
 +  * QNS and Critical Appraisal are disabled (this is because QNS is generated from the Meta-Analytical Extraction module, and Critical Appraisal outputs are generated from the Critical Appraisal module, which are both off by default; if you’d like to toggle these on in Synthesisfirst turn on and complete MA Extraction and/or Critical Appraisal further down the Settings page, then return to toggle these on in Synthesis) 
 +  * Manuscript and Dashboard are toggled off (currently, only Manuscript or Dashboard can be toggled on at the same time but all work is saved when toggled between; the corresponding Manuscript Editor or Dashboard Editor will then be displayed under the left-hand Synthesis menu item) 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.43.07-2048x370.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Default QLS Display Type ==== 
 +Choose which QLS diagram is displayed when you open the Synthesis page: Sunburst or Dendrogram. 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.45.37.png?nolink |}} 
 +By defaultthe Sunburst diagram is selected and displayed in Synthesis: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.47.43-2048x1041.png?nolink |}} 
 +But if the Dendrogram is selectedit will be displayed in Synthesis: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.48.49-2048x1046.png?nolink |}} 
 +Note: both diagrams may still be accessed at anytime (circled in red) but this Setting decides which is shown by default. 
 +==== Nest Access ====
   * **Make a nest public.**  Toggle this on to make the link to your [[:wiki:synthesis|]] page (and all sub-pages) publicly viewable.   * **Make a nest public.**  Toggle this on to make the link to your [[:wiki:synthesis|]] page (and all sub-pages) publicly viewable.
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   * **Make a nest private.**  Toggle this on for the most protection. Only those explicitly granted access with a NK account will be able to view the Synthesis.   * **Make a nest private.**  Toggle this on for the most protection. Only those explicitly granted access with a NK account will be able to view the Synthesis.
-{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_12.15.50_pm.png?nolink |}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.51.06.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Show Full Texts ==== 
 +Abstracts are automatically shown alongside records displayed in Synthesis. If you wish to also display Full Texts, toggle this on here. Due to copyright reasons, this cannot be turned on if your nest is public, only protected or private (see above). 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_12.46.34.png?nolink |}} 
 +==== Static Manuscript ==== 
 +Upload a pdf to be shown in Synthesis when Manuscript is toggled on and empty. 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.54.05.png?nolink |}} 
 +Manuscript in Synthesis will then display the pdf as such: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.55.35-2048x1052.png?nolink |}}
 ---- ----
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 ==== Screening Model ==== ==== Screening Model ====
-**Manual vs. Automatic:**  By default, the Screening Model will be on Manual, meaning that it will only run when a user selects Train Screening Model during the Screening process. Toggling the Screening Model on (see image above) will alter this so that the Model runs as soon as a sufficient number of studies are screened, and this Model will be re-run automatically as more screening occurs. In the image belowif manual the red box will say "Train Screening Model,and if automatic training is on and enough studies are screened, the inclusion probability will be provided– in this case it is "P(Inclusion): 0.87."+**Manual vs. Automatic:**  By default, the Screening Model will be on Manual, meaning that it will only run when a user selects Train Screening Model during the Screening process.  
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-07-24_at_17.27.20.png?nolink |}} 
 +For Automatic Training, head to Nest Settings--> Screening Model. This will cause the Model to run as soon as a sufficient number of studies are screened, and this Model will be re-run automatically as more screening occurs.  
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-07-24_at_17.25.54.png?nolink |}} 
 +As probabilities are generatedthey are displayed in place of the "Train Screening Model" text in the Screening module, in the below case it is "P(Inclusion): 0.87."
 +{{  :undefined:2screen.png?nolink&  }}
 **Displayed vs. Hidden:**  By default, the Screening Model will be displayed, meaning that any user will be able to see the probabilities on the Screening panel: **Displayed vs. Hidden:**  By default, the Screening Model will be displayed, meaning that any user will be able to see the probabilities on the Screening panel:
Line 66: Line 120:
 {{  :undefined:2screen.png?nolink&  }} {{  :undefined:2screen.png?nolink&  }}
-If you want this probability to be hidden from all users, Admins, and Owners on each individual study, toggle "Hide Probabilities." If hidden, you can still run the model from the Admin page and have the option to turn on Automatic updating. [[:wiki:autolit:screening:inclusionpredictionmodel|Learn more about the Screening model here.]]+If you want this probability to be hidden from all users, Admins, and Owners on each individual study, toggle "Hide Probabilities." If hidden, you can still run the model from the Admin page and have the option to turn on Automatic updating. [[:wiki:autolit:screening:model|Learn more about the Screening model here.]]
 ==== Import Existing Screening Decisions ==== ==== Import Existing Screening Decisions ====
wiki/autolit/admin/configure.1721836035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/24 15:47 by jthurnham