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wiki:autolit:screening:inclusionpredictionmodel [2024/07/24 17:08]
jthurnham [Running the Screening Model]
wiki:autolit:screening:inclusionpredictionmodel [2024/09/23 11:59] (current)
jthurnham [Interpreting Robot Screener]
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 The below guidance is specifically for using Robot Screener, for information on training the model for probability generation only and general information on how the model works see [[wiki:autolit:screening:model|Using and Interpreting the Screening Model.]] The below guidance is specifically for using Robot Screener, for information on training the model for probability generation only and general information on how the model works see [[wiki:autolit:screening:model|Using and Interpreting the Screening Model.]]
 ===== Robot Screener ===== ===== Robot Screener =====
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 Want to use Automatic Training for use in manual screening instead? [[wiki:autolit:screening:model|Learn more here.]] Want to use Automatic Training for use in manual screening instead? [[wiki:autolit:screening:model|Learn more here.]]
 ==== Meeting the Threshold ==== ==== Meeting the Threshold ====
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Once trained and turned on, the Robot is assigning both inclusion probabilities and actual screening decisions to the remainder of records in the queue. The remainder of records will need an additional human to screen these records as a second reviewer, and a human adjudicator to make the final decision on these records. This means that each record will always have two pairs of eyes to review.+Once trained and turned on, the Robot is assigning both inclusion probabilities and actual screening decisions to the remainder of records in the queue. Currently, Robot Screener does not assign exclusion reasons, so decisions are displayed as "Advance"/"Include" or "Robot Excluded". The records that Robot Screener makes a decision on will still need an additional human to screen these records as a second reviewer, and a human adjudicator to make the final decision on these records. This means that each record will always have two pairs of eyes to review. 
 +==== Interpreting Robot Screener ==== 
 +At any time, you may wish to view how the screening model is performing. To view the model performance, navigate to Nested Settings --> Screening model --> View Screening model.  
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-07-24_at_18.13.41.png?nolink |}} 
 +This will display a histogram under the "Predictions" tab, a table of various Cross Validation statistics displaying history of previous trainings of the model, and an explanation as to how to interpret these values. Note: the history of trained models is displayed for informational purposes only, and not versions that can be reverted back to. Retraining the model does not guarantee improved statistics and performance. 
 +You can also view the Robot Screener recommendations in the Screening model modal. Select "Advance"/"Include" to view studies the Robot has advanced/included, or "Exclude" for excluded studies-- these are both shortcuts that take you to Study Inspector to show you the corresponding subsets of studies. Otherwise, the filter can be manually added from Study Inspector. From this modal, you can also delete the model if you wish to start again from scratch. 
 +With Predictions toggled: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_12.56.51.png?nolink |}} 
 +With Cross Validation toggled: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_12.57.00.png?nolink |}} 
 +[[wiki:autolit:screening:model#interpreting_the_model|Learn more about interpreting the model, its performance and how it works here.]] 
 +==== Improving Robot Screener ==== 
 +The best way to improve Robot Screener, is to adjudicate records, since these are the decisions it trains on. We recommend, if you can, have your adjudicator make their final decisions on the Adjudicate Screening page after every 50 studies are screened for best model performance. For reference, the following is what adjudicators will see for records that have one human and one Robot Screener decision applied: 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-07-24_at_18.18.39.png?nolink |}} 
 ===== Robot Screener Validation Studies ===== ===== Robot Screener Validation Studies =====
wiki/autolit/screening/inclusionpredictionmodel.1721840904.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/24 17:08 by jthurnham