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wiki:autolit:utilities:artificialintelligence [2024/09/20 12:03]
jthurnham [Tagging/Data Extraction]
wiki:autolit:utilities:artificialintelligence [2024/09/20 12:04] (current)
jthurnham [Dashboard]
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 ==== Dashboard ==== ==== Dashboard ====
-Core Smart Tags also allows you to display additional cards in Dashboard. This includes tags as Sunburst Cards, Study Location as a Map/Choropleth, and Study Types as a Histogram:+[[| Core Smart Tags]] also allows you to display additional cards in Dashboard. This includes tags as Sunburst Cards, Study Location as a Map/Choropleth, and Study Types as a Histogram:
 {{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-15.38.08-2048x951.png?nolink |}} {{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-15.38.08-2048x951.png?nolink |}}
wiki/autolit/utilities/artificialintelligence.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/20 12:04 by jthurnham