====== Demo Nests ====== Want to try out Nested Knowledge, but don't have a research question in mind? Don't want to make an upfront time investment building a nest? No problem, see how both AutoLit and Synthesis work from complete examples! {{youtube>NJmXN3FWYx4}} The below links are walkthroughs of demos you may open from your [[https://nested-knowledge.com/gather|Nests Homepage]] and clicking "Demo Nests" on the left hand side. {{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_16.34.49.png?nolink |}} You have the choice of three different demo nests depending on your research project type! {{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-05-17_at_16.35.51.png?nolink |}} ==== Clinical Evaluation Report: Aspiration Catheter ==== * Our [[wiki:start:demo:cer_aspiration|Clinical Evaluation Report: Aspiration Catheter]] nest is a demonstration of a previously-completed review as part of a CER project, presenting the tools at each stage to appraise the Aspiration Catheter: Penumbra Indigo. It is partially completed to allow you to explore the site. ==== Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) ==== * Our [[:wiki:start:demo:hta_nsclc|NSCLC: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors]] nest examines the treatment of NSCLC with various types of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This is based on a published [[https://icer.org/assessment/non-small-cell-lung-cancer-2016/ | Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) review]]. //This nest is specifically designed to meet the requirements of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) body: [[https://www.nice.org.uk/about/what-we-do/our-programmes/nice-guidance/nice-guidelines#:~:text=NICE%20guidelines%20are%20evidence%2Dbased,in%20particular%20circumstances%20or%20settings.|National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).]]// ==== Heart Failure: ACE Inhibitors & ARBs ==== * Recent advances in ARBs, a new class of drug for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, inspoired our [[:wiki:start:demo:heart|Heart Failure: ACE Inhibitors & ARBs]] nest. Here, we compare the more conventional drug class (ACE Inhibitors) against ARBs.