====== Releases ====== Nested Knowledge uses [[https://semver.org/|Semantic Versioning]] for labelling releases. Major version bumps (e.g. 1.x.x to 2.x.x) typically signal that an existing workflow will break & all impacted users will be notified in advance. Minor & patch version bumps (e.g. x.x.1 to x.x.2) correspond to new features, iteration on an existing features, and/or bug fixes. Users typically need not pay attention to these changes to continue using NK as they did before (although they may be missing out on awesome new things)! ===== 1.87 ===== ==== 1.87.0 (2024-07-16) ==== **Features** * Numeric Tag Contents * Advanced Tag Contents filtering facets in Study Inspector ===== 1.86 ===== ==== 1.86.0 (2024-07-11) ==== **Features** * SIGN and JBI Critical Appraisal tools implemented across all supported study designs * Sticky Ask AI responses * Name of Dashboard downloads matches card name * Filters for the screening model that don't require finding the model threshold (+ jump to filter from the Screening Model modal) * Option for full citation export within CER Builder * Restoring specification of the parent tag within on-the-fly tag creation * Improved overflow and scrollability of radiobars in limited spaces **Bug Fixes** * Corrupted special characters in tag text options configuration * Eliminated issue in updating organization subscriptions with large numbers of users ===== 1.85 ===== ==== 1.85.2 (2024-06-19) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Module completion filter in inspector always showing incomplete studies * Broken collaboration documentation link ==== 1.85.1 (2024-06-17) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Restore copy/versioning for particularly large nests ==== 1.85.0 (2024-06-11) ==== **Features** * Boolean operators for Inspector * Randomize order of studies in screening queue **Bug Fixes** * Smart tag recommendations fixed * Screening queue peformance improvements ===== 1.84 ===== ==== 1.84.1 (2024-06-05) ==== **Features** * Recursive tag deletion * Automatically unlock PDFs uploaded for bibliomining and expert addition by PDF * Configure question type for organization tag templates * Ovid MEDLINE search engine option **Bug Fixes** * Not all included studies appearing in dashboard Study card. * Whitespacing display in Insights * Improving robustness of Screening Model and Smart Tagging to study and tag deletion * Improving CrossRef access through better treatment of API rate limits ==== 1.84.0 (2024-06-04) ==== **Features** * Synthesis versioning * Notification emails for recurring searches * Teams inherit templates from parent organization * Bibliomine attempts are now included in nest copies * Upon creation, new nests are placed in the folder the user had opened **Bug Fixes** * Smart tags automatically regenerating for included records with FT attached \\ Studies without authors not appearing in QNS * Multi-node jats import (most relevant to abstracts from CrossRef) * Table contents import with title matching no longer imports one row and removes others * Improved search, nest, and duplicate queue deletion times ===== 1.83 ===== ==== 1.83.1 (2024-05-14) ==== **Features** * Applied tags as annotations in individual and bulk FT PDF download * Nests with non-public Synthesis access shown on Nest Listing **Bug Fixes** * Library security patches * Protected Synthesis links not perpetuated on mobile * Home page layout on mobile * Removing possibility of creating multiple baseline or outcome timepoints for a given study & data element ==== 1.83.0 (2024-05-02) ==== **Features** * Tag Configuration overhaul * More intuitive forms * Zoomable hierarchy * Switch orientation of hierarchy * Drag and drop positioning and ordering * Multi-tag selection for Tag Deletion and Hiding * QLS tag visualization improvement * Hot key screening * Enable via modal with ctrl+shift+s * Select specific studies in bulk for bibliomine * Support for Two Pass screening in CER Builder Screening export * Numerous file naming schemes for FT download from Inspector * Setting to disable all but file download share options in Synthesis * List Synthesis access from Nests (renamed from AutoLit Home) * Allow larger bulk FT imports (excepting unpaywall) * Date filtering UI for all automatic search creation * Quarterly recurring searches **Bug Fixes** * Table Horizontal overflow and scrolling behavior * SUCRA rankings not respecting "Higher Better" setting of Data Elements * Isolated negated top-level concepts dropped from Search Exploration when positive groups are present * Search deletion button missing in certain browsers ===== 1.82 ===== ==== 1.82.0 (2024-04-10) ==== **Features** * Ask AI (documentation) * Collaborator Organizations * Improved subscription checkout layout **Bug Fixes** * Faster categorical metric retrieval for MA Extraction in large nests * Arrow key navigation of tag tables and MA Extraction in Inspector should not jump to next record ===== 1.81 ===== ==== 1.81.0 (2024-03-29) ==== **Features** * Import Tag Table Contents * PRISMA exclusion reason grouping * Synthesis QoL improvements * Last viewed tab in study modal made sticky * Highlighting filtered tags in study modal * Only displaying relevant modules as configured (no disabled state) * Navigate study modal with arrow keys * Navigate Inspector with arrow keys * Generate a sharable link to the current record from the Reference pill * Integrating the new ClinicalTrials.gov API **Bug Fixes** * I2 icon missing on QNS * Recursive tag filter indicator missing on Inspector * Make the Inspector screening filter more robust to screening mode changes ===== 1.80 ===== ==== 1.80.0 (2024-03-07) ==== **Features** * Screening auto-adjudication with Any, Exact, and Shared modes * Manuscript download from Synthesis * Live DOI/Links from Table Builder tables on site * Import data via External ID * Team admins that are not org admins ability to manage users * Share from Embeds * Inspector: filter to multiple comma-separated Ref IDs * Created At and Included Record columns on AutoLit Home * Indicator of last opened record in Study Inspector * Improved consistency of Standard and Two Pass screening decisions upon mode switch **Bug Fixes** * Images inserted in abstract editor not appearing on Synthesis * MA Extraction crashes upon deletion of partial timepoint * Prefer table contents over text options when both configured * Manually created concepts in Search Exploration are not assigned their expected group * Navigated QLS Insights do not appear with description open * Improved display (min width) of wide configured tag table contents * Smart Tagging robustness improvements ===== 1.79 ===== ==== 1.79.1 (2024-02-08) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Admins unable to add members to Organizations ==== 1.79.0 (2024-02-07) ==== **Features** * Teams within organizations as an access entity * Nest invites appear on AutoLit Home * Filter to & display as a column Publication Type, Inspector and Table Builder * Add numerous missing bibliographic data columns to Table Builder * Filter to any empty & non-empty bibliographic field in Inspector ("Bibliographic Status") * Adjustable column widths in Inspector **Bug Fixes** * Proper 0-padding in all dates for fixed widths * Improved interface for editing Related Report family name * Truncate long root tag names in FBT root selection to avoid overflow * Publication Date filter in Inspector shows off-by-1 ===== 1.78 ===== ==== 1.78.2 (2024-01-15) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Improved quality of icons throughout the site * Allow tag recommendations when tag is configured for text options * Inspector tag contents filter * Easing the transition from standard to FBT with implied completion for single apply questions * Allow on-the-fly deletion of table columns * Proper error message when creating an organization with a pre-existing name ==== 1.78.1 (2024-01-05) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Import of public tagging templates ==== 1.78.0 (2024-01-03) ==== **Features** * Text options contents in Tagging * Text options in table contents in Tagging * Honor FBT in Screening Tagging * Inspector filters for reviewer screening agreement/disagreement * Upgrading GPT 3.5 to GPT 4 Turbo in AB Smart Tagging * Speed improvements to Smart Tagging **Bug Fixes** * Uniform date presentation (ISO) throughout the site * Search tags with table contents in table builder * Alias search within tag selection menus * More explicit nest limit exceeded message for free tier paywall * Avoid related reports marked as duplicates from appearing in related report families * Correct ordering of tag selection menu in table builder * Glitchy download/edit tooltip in Dashboard ===== 1.77 ===== ==== 1.77.1 (2023-12-14) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Proper copy of related report families * Protected Synthesis Home inaccessible without login * URI decoding for DOIs embedded in URLs ==== 1.77.0 (2023-12-11) ==== **Features** * Related reports improvements: * View applied tags of related reports during tagging * Exporting related report family with filters and column * Filter Synthesis on study attributes **Bug Fixes** * Better handling large and homogenous inputs in Smart Tagging ===== 1.76 ===== ==== 1.76.2 (2023-12-07) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Full text viewer getting cut off * Prevent whitespace addition to abstracts in bibliographic edit ==== 1.76.1 (2023-12-06) ==== **Features** * KW/PICO highlighting in title as well as abstract **Bug Fixes** * Update Inspector columns immediately upon selection * Handle duplicate (case-insensitive) tag names in sheet-per-root table export * Flakey manual import from unpaywall ===== ===== ==== 1.76.0 (2023-11-30) ==== **Features** * Show Ref ID & Author/Year for all study display modes * "Reviewed By" Screening Filters and Columns * Snappier AL Home load in **Bug Fixes** * Avoid vertical overflow of all study display modes (FT & Supplement views) * Avoid cycle creation in tag merge of parent/child * Occasionally incorrect paywall message on Nest creation * Login session disappears for certain error pages * Exporting sheet names with special characters and other Excel-specific requirements ===== 1.75 ===== ==== 1.75.1 (2023-11-12) ==== **Features** * Grouping questions to forms by root tags in FBT * Exporting tagging with columns grouped by root tag * Import documents via external id **Bug Fixes** * Exporting MA Extraction with >2 timepoints extracted in a data element * Optimizations in templated tag management * Delay in org access upon accepting invite * Copying nest with created and emptied dashboard ==== 1.75.0 (2023-11-03) ==== **Features** * Article Galaxy Integration * Self-service pilot subscriptions * Free tier enforcement * Allow only 1 nest * Disallow addition of unsubscribed collaborators (individuals and organizations) **Bug Fixes** * Affinity of nest activity counts, standard inspector filters, and queue progress bars for two pass screening modes * Improved messaging for spotty internet connections and automated retries * Enabling search in table builder tag column creation * Only organizations a user is a member of may be added to nests * Better messaging on enforcement of subscription quantity limits ===== 1.74 ===== ==== 1.74.0 (2023-10-31) ==== **Features** * Tag and annotate supplemental materials * Import literature searches directly from spreadsheets * Use aliases in standard AB & FT tag recommendations * Public Templates * Template descriptions **Bug Fixes** * Update applied tag when prior tag contained table contents * Correcting ClinicalTrials.gov linkout ===== 1.73 ===== ==== 1.73.3 (2023-10-13) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Allow Protected Synthesis without authentication on mobile ==== 1.73.2 (2023-10-12) ==== **Features** * Related Reports in Inspector: Primary Report column and filter * Duplicate Review and count shown in Literature Search * FBT as the default tagging mode * Pricing updates **Bug Fixes** * Loss of UI controls when reordering exclusion reasons with a drop out of the table * Changing nest organization owner occassionally results in 400 ==== 1.73.1 (2023-10-06) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Unable to import nest tag hierarchies into org templates ==== 1.73.0 (2023-10-05) ==== **Features** * Hierarchical exclusion reasons * Ref ID-based data import * Resizable table columns in dashboard * xlsx table builder exports * Synthesis view counts for dashboard **Bug Fixes** * Don't show org billing message when adding users to nest * Proper filename for dashboard table download * Removal of Mobile AutoLit * FT Uploads do not count towards "Report Sought" in PRISMA 2020 * Proper overwrite behavior for tag import (no repeated applied tags) ===== 1.72 ===== ==== 1.72.4 (2023-10-02) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Nest Copy with file attachments in Protocol ==== 1.72.3 (2023-09-28) ==== **Features** * Ref ID export in Table Builder ==== 1.72.2 (2023-09-26) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Exporting Table of: Tag in table builder * Incorrect Unpaywall counts at end of bulk import * Unable to bibliomine articles containing duplicate references ==== 1.72.1 (2023-09-22) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Authorization error in tag apply bulk action ==== 1.72.0 (2023-09-21) ==== **Features** * Table Contents in Export, Dashboard, and Manuscript table builder * Joins to export multiple tables * Abstract-level tag recommendations * Standard * Smart (GPT-3.5) **Bug Fixes** * Incorrect inclusion/exclusion counts for Two Pass Screening on the Activity page * Handle duplicate PMIDs/DOIs in Other Sources * Swapping categorical data element category names * Avoiding large search deletion timeout ===== 1.71 ===== ==== 1.71.0 (2023-09-15) ==== **Features** * Tracking organization membership history / audit * Improved subscription management information * 2009 PRISMA flow diagram support **Bug Fixes** * Display whitespacing in questions in Forms Based Tagging * Swapping categorical data element category names * Avoiding large search deletion timeout ===== 1.70 ===== ==== 1.70.4 (2023-09-06) ==== **Features** * Increase Smart Tag Recommendation study limit to 250 * Add title search to Related Report lookup **Bug Fixes** * Longer organization search bar in nest access * Avoid display of deletion and rename options for nests on AutoLit home * Disable QNS by default, to match Meta-Analytical Extraction default * Improved robustness of Smart Tag Recommendations: concurrent runs and long PDFs * Remove line numbers from query editor in Literature Search creation * Detach PubMed API dependency from Literature Search creation in event of outage * Study Focus modal and Dashboard card sizing & overflow behavior * Increased request timeout for higher latency internet connections ==== 1.70.3 (2023-09-03) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Keeping a manually marked duplicate from the duplicate queue ==== 1.70.2 (2023-08-30) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Sheet import fails with duplicate partial DOIs * Overflow scrolling in updatable tables * Rendering 0 counts in Nest Activity consistently * Missing publication dates appearing as epoch time in updatable tables * Table contents edits being dropped in FBT when focus changes or table reconfigured * Hiding nest owner email from Synthesis * Security patches ==== 1.70.1 (2023-08-21) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Unable to turn on Robot Screener ==== 1.70.0 (2023-08-16) ==== **Features** * Synthesis Dashboard * Synthesis shareable by QR Code * Autolit menu layout update * Progress queue query reduction for improved scaling * Bulk action: accept all smart tag recommendations * ROBINS I added to CA ===== 1.69 ===== ==== 1.69.4 (2023-08-15) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Unable to select tags in Protected QLS ==== 1.69.3 (2023-08-08) ==== **Features** * Blinding settings: * Revealing reviewer names in adjudication modules * Hide comments in all modules * Hide tagging during screening **Bug Fixes** * Finalizing searches from Search Exploration * Mobile AL home ==== 1.69.2 (2023-08-01) ==== **Features** * Smart tagging improvements: * Process more of the full text * Better handling of partial results from GPT * Improved link-back to the full text PDF * Import book chapters from PubMed **Bug Fixes** * Allow editing of custom tables with deleted tags in manuscript * Properly import records with rich text keywords from PubMed * Allow deletion of the last exclusion reason in a nest * Nest Abstract not displaying in Synthesis ==== 1.69.1 (2023-07-26) ==== **Bug Fixes** * AL Home not loading on refresh with Organization scoping selected ==== 1.69.0 (2023-07-25) ==== **Features** * Improved error, authentication, and authorization pages * Inspector additions: * Bibliographic keyword filter * Full citation column (JAMA) * Author list column ===== 1.68 ===== ==== 1.68.3 (2023-07-18) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Deletion of extremely long concepts in Search Exploration ==== 1.68.2 (2023-07-13) ==== **Features** * CER Demo Nest **Bug Fixes** * Bulk bibliographic sync for missing and invalid identifiers ==== 1.68.1 (2023-07-12) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Awaiting Screening linkout broken from Nest Activity page ==== 1.68.0 (2023-07-11) ==== **Features** * Smart Tag Recommendations * Tag Recommendations in Form Based Tagging * Revamped Nest Activity page (formerly Dashboard) * Duplicate Queue download **Bug Fixes** * Properly order tag contents columns in Inspector exports * Match order of screening reviewers in Inspector exports and adjudication pages * Tag import in nest with 0 prior tags * Improvements to mobile UX and layout ===== 1.67 ===== ==== 1.67.0 (2023-06-26) ==== **Features** * Rename "Extraction" to "Meta-Analytical Extraction" module * Default off for new nests **Bug Fixes** * Allow multiple period characters in file names for bulk PDF upload * Robot Screener not consistently entering screening decisions for Dual Two Pass nests * RIS imports with exceptionally long KWs failing ===== 1.66 ===== ==== 1.66.3 (2023-06-15) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Improper Medline date parsing for PubMed searches ==== 1.66.2 (2023-06-14) ==== **Features** * Import electronic publication date for records coming from eCollections in PubMed searches * List number of users on Org Admin * Improved error logging and tracking **Bug Fixes** * Incorrect Last Accessed date for folders without a nest access on AutoLit Home * Make query field optional for file-based search imports * Remove Allocation from Study Inspector Bulk Actions listing * Add exclusion reasons on the fly broken for standard screening * Handle concepts with trailing spaces in Search Exploration ==== 1.66.1 (2023-06-07) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Standard tagging page crashing on load * Miniature demo creation button icons ==== 1.66.0 (2023-06-06) ==== **Features** * Ref IDs * Filter & Column in Inspector & Allocation Inspector * Matching for bulk document import * Exported in RIS * Supplemental materials bulk import * Bulk document deletion * Full Text * Supplemental Materials * Improved email reporting of bulk import results * New HTA demo nest **Bug Fixes** * Improved, one-click layout changes when AutoLit panels are at minimum and maxmimum extent * Unable to disable Critical Appraisal in Synthesis * Improper ordering of tag contents columns in tag configuration preview ===== 1.65 ===== ==== 1.65.2 (2023-05-31) ==== **Features** * Toggle between Sunburst and Hierarchy in embedded QLS **Bug Fixes** * Add extra publication date fields to RIS files (PY, Y1) * Disable double click deletion of searches * Disable creation of searches with empty queries ==== 1.65.1 (2023-05-27) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Inspector Full Text filter on specific source * Bulk FT import failing when one or more PDFs are encrypted * EuropePMC searches failing when records have null keywords ==== 1.65.0 (2023-05-24) ==== **Features** * Generalizing Risk of Bias module to Critical Appraisal * Adding Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for Critical Appraisal * New bibliographic Inspector columns: volume, issue, pages, and NCT ID **Bug Fixes** * Unable to add columns to tables of tags in Manuscript * Added explanation of dangerous admin settings ===== 1.64 ===== ==== 1.64.0 (2023-05-22) ==== **Features** * Bigger and faster bulk full text upload and matching ===== 1.63 ===== ==== 1.63.0 (2023-05-17) ==== **Features** * Screening Model Improvements: * OpenAI embeddings * Scite tallies * Oversampling * Advancement probability for two pass screening * Robot Screener for abstract screening ===== 1.62 ===== ==== 1.62.3 (2023-05-15) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Deprioritize Robot Screener in Auto-Adjudication * Numerical instability in QNS NMA for multi-arm studies with similar standard errors * Relaxed PDF upload validations * FT Blinding reappearing upon PDF upload ==== 1.62.2 (2023-04-25) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Queues and progress bars for dual two pass screening properly handle switches between screening modes and off-workflow actions in inspector ==== 1.62.1 (2023-04-25) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Correct font not appearing on all clients * API search not executing through Literature Search UI * Unable to view duplicate review bibliographic data ==== 1.62.0 (2023-04-24) ==== **Features** * Allocation **Bug Fixes** * Database security patches * Number of reviewers displayed for dual standard screening ===== 1.61 ===== ==== 1.61.0 (2023-04-22) ==== **Features** * User specified ordering of exclusion reasons * Color coding user keywords * Form Based Tagging question search & status indicator * Display number of prior reviewers for dual screening modes * Sticky AB/FT view in Inspector * Font change **Bug Fixes** * Configuring Synthesis Access is laggy * Tag import option is obscured by visual * Double whitespacing in certain PDF annotations ===== 1.60 ===== ==== 1.60.3 (2023-04-04) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Downloading CSVs from QLS with protected Synthesis * Added CSP * Added HSTS ==== 1.60.2 (2023-03-29) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Redirect to new nest upon creation * Search exploration n-grams functionality returned ==== 1.60.1 (2023-03-28) ==== **Features** * Blinding of full text status for dual screening modes * Convert doc(x) study supplements to viewable PDFs on upload * Hover text for sunburst is directly over the label * Share button on QLS-specfic embeds **Bug Fixes** * Don't show 0 unscreened record counts in PRISMA diagram * Site-wide load time improvements ==== 1.60.0 (2023-03-19) ==== **Features** * Tag Table Contents **Bug Fixes** * Remove module completion selector from sequential module queues ===== 1.59 ===== ==== 1.59.1 (2023-03-13) ==== **Bug Fixes** * Updating tagging completion status for single records ==== 1.59.0 (2023-03-13) ==== **Features** * Mark modules complete for individual records from Inspector * Continuously adjustable module box widths (Screening, Tagging, Extraction, RoB) * Export Comments from Inspector * Jump to records in Inspector from Literature Search === Bug Fixes === * Create tags in-process for Form Based Tagging * PDF annotation breaking for certain PDFs (UTF-8 null characters) ===== 1.58 ===== ==== 1.58.4 (2023-03-01) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Tag selection menu not properly closing in Form Based Tagging ==== 1.58.3 (2023-02-28) ==== === Features === * Reorder tags * Avoid orphaning tags on merge and delete === Bug Fixes === * Improved visualization of overlapped tags in large hierarchies * Sheet based search import method showing API ==== 1.58.2 (2023-02-18) ==== === Features === * Export studies and tags from QLS * Inspector filter for Tag Contents * Reorder columns in Table Builder export === Bug Fixes === * Clarifying Insight Embed UI * Highlighting the hovered root tag in tag config ==== 1.58.1 (2023-02-14) ==== === Features === * Sync updated bibliographic data: per-record and bulk action === Bug Fixes === * Broken RoB Visuals * Tag config styling problems ==== 1.58.0 (2023-02-06) ==== === Features === * Hiding tags on Synthesis * Updated tag hierarchy visualization in AutoLit * Export through Inspector * Moved Extraction and RoB from Export page * Added Screening & Tagging export * Organizational owner may receive emails on public Synthesis change === Bug Fixes === * Bypassing invalid DOIs in sheet-based literature search import ===== 1.57 ===== ==== 1.57.1 (2023-01-25) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Form Based Tagging dropping excerpt on any click * Improved arm creation, read-only cells, and status marking in Dual Extraction Adjudication * Making overflow of concepts scrollable in Search Exploration ==== 1.57.0 (2023-01-20) ==== === Features === * Abstract annotation for tagging * Import lit searches as spreadsheets of PMID/DOI === Bug Fixes === * Update PICO highlighting when abstract is edited * Correcting IRR counts (exclude/exclude counted as include/include) ===== 1.56 ===== ==== 1.56.0 (2023-01-15) ==== === Features === * Organizational Folders on AutoLit home === Bug Fixes === * Improved layout of floating elements in QLS & embeds * Tag tip positioning in extraction is consistently visible ===== 1.55 ===== ==== 1.55.0 (2023-01-04) ==== === Features === * Nest Backup * Return of the QLS Dendrogram === Bug Fixes === * Truncating display of long nest names * Incorrectly positioned tool tips on PDF viewer * FT Import volume issues * Log in / Sign in wording consistency ===== 1.54 ===== ==== 1.54.0 (2022-12-26) ==== === Features === * Search Exploration v4, featuring concept generalization & improved workflow === Bug Fixes === * Negations in tag queries against all studies, not just studies with 1 or more tags ===== 1.53 ===== ==== 1.53.4 (2022-12-20) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Full text search performance improvements ==== 1.53.3 (2022-12-14) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Support long API-based queries (>8k characters) ==== 1.53.2 (2022-12-11) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Scrolling issues in Form-based Tagging * Increased timeout on a number of requests * Auto-refreshing background jobs table ==== 1.53.1 (2022-12-07) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Manual FT import broken; improperly attributing source of the file ==== 1.53.0 (2022-12-07) ==== === Features === * Bulk import of Full Text PDFs with auto-matching * Background job (searches, FT matching, model training) status tracking * Performance improvements to FT import ===== 1.52 ===== ==== 1.52.0 (2022-11-29) ==== === Features === * Restyle of QNS and zoom out * Consistent scroll bars returned to the site === Bug Fixes === * Recurring searches causing server overload * Overflow on nest home ===== 1.51 ===== ==== 1.51.1 (2022-11-20) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Import of tagging data with invalid UTF-8 characters * Nests not sticking in folders on AutoLit home ==== 1.51.0 (2022-11-15) ==== === Features === * Folder organization of nests on AutoLit * Heterogeneity statistics on QNS * Funnel plots on QNS === Bug Fixes === * Radio button style/a11y improvements * Maintain Inspector filters when responsively switching modes ===== 1.50 ===== ==== 1.50.2 (2022-11-08) ==== === Bug Fixes === * PRISMA diagram showing 0 counts for all categories ==== 1.50.1 (2022-11-06) ==== === Features === * Import previously gathered screening, tagging from sheets ==== 1.50.0 (2022-11-03) ==== === Features === * Protected Synthesis === Bug Fixes === * Bulk Full Text downloads properly unnzipping on windows * Increase in Manuscript reference list font size (accessibility) ===== 1.49 ===== ==== 1.49.2 (2022-10-28) ==== === Bug Fixes === * DOAJ Updates * Correct newlines & other whitespace problems in searches * Truncate searches to top 1000 records, per DOAJ limit * Added DOAJ documentation for search creation ==== 1.49.1 (2022-10-25) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Tag edit opening after saving Data Elements * Tag question type not saving upon tag creation * Typos/improved descriptions for FBT ==== 1.49.0 (2022-10-23) ==== === Features === * Form-based Tagging * Improvements to related reports, Synthesis author ordering UX === Bug Fixes === * Allowing text selection in study abstract * Added nest materials to nest copy ===== 1.48 ===== ==== 1.48.0 (2022-10-13) ==== === Features === * Expert recommendation by bulk PDF upload (bibliographic data mined + FT attached) * Nest Copy includes complete data (most notably Manuscript, Insights) * Reworked layout for AutoLit Menu & Nest Home * User-level setting are inlined to respective modules * Protocol is edited on Nest Home directly * One Study Inspector link ===== 1.47 ===== ==== 1.47.1 (2022-10-05) ==== === Features === * Embed/share all Synthesis types * Display Synthesis authors with abstract * Improved author ordering UI * Capability to share Synthesis for a private nest * Improved placeholders & directives for building Synthesis when empty === Bug Fixes === * Tag import message for nests without an organizational owner * Proper edit icon color for exclusion reason configuration ==== 1.47.0 (2022-09-30) ==== === Features === * Dual Two Pass Screening === Bug Fixes === * Proper layout in organizational tag template import * Unscreening option in inspector typeahead ===== 1.46 ===== ==== 1.46.3 (2022-09-22) ==== === Features === * Supporting Annual Subscriptions === Bug Fixes === * Full text import Bulk Action modal not closing on completion ==== 1.46.2 (2022-09-20) ==== === Features === * Improved Bulk Actions UI * New Bulk Actions * Mark Full Text Review * Reviewer-level control over dual mode decisions * Better wiki linking for file-based search import === Bug Fixes === * Proper labelling of screening form for dual screening * Checkbox-based selection of RoB Data Elements ==== 1.46.1 (2022-09-14) ==== === Features === * Added comments to RoB export * Improved a11y labels in Synthesis === Bug Fixes === * Disabling selection of empty exclusion reasons * Enabling button-based addition of user-keywords ==== 1.46.0 (2022-09-09) ==== === Features === * Synthesis home restyle and updates * New Synthesis embeds * Full Synthesis * All pages (QNS, PRISMA, RoB, Manuscript) embeddable ===== 1.45 ===== ==== 1.45.2 (2022-09-08) ==== === Features === * New, distinct Sign Up page * Gather agreement to terms and user name in advance of credentials * Bibliomining upgrades * 5-10x speed improvements with to improved CrossRef querying * Maintaining order of references from bibliography ==== 1.45.1 (2022-08-29) ==== === Features === * Tagging Recommendations === Bug Fixes === * Screening form UI improvements * Hover focus on exclusion reasons * Removed jitter when iterating records * More precise wording of several Inspector filters * Removed support for TLS 1.0 & 1.1 * DMARC support via DKIM/SPF: more robust email ==== 1.45.0 (2022-08-24) ==== === Features === * Insights on Synthesis * One click exclusions * Edit nest & study level comments ===== 1.44 ===== ==== 1.44.1 (2022-08-19) ==== === Features === * Improved tag export options * "Exact" tag export * Adding all (exact) tags as columns * Indicating tagged interventions in Extraction * Consistent color schemes within Extraction ==== 1.44.0 (2022-08-13) ==== === Features === * Mark duplicate records manually * Maintain multiple, related reports of a study * Bibliomine from ClinicalTrials.gov using NCT ID ===== 1.43 ===== ==== 1.43.5 (2022-08-12) ==== === Features === * Site-wide UI improvements, especially focused on a11y, improved contrast, and reduced color distraction === Bug Fixes === * Fixing RoboPICO backfill for large searches ==== 1.43.4 (2022-08-10) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Corrected broken links in emails from mentions in nest-level comments ==== 1.43.3 (2022-08-08) ==== === Features === * Tagging closed by default for non-tagging modules * Ability to enter discount codes and tax ids at subscription checkout === Bug Fixes === * Faster import of large searches (RoboPICOs are backfilled when > 500 records imported) * Preventing duplicate reviewer-level dual screening decisions * No sizing jitter for Full Text PDF viewer * Preferring Support page linkout over support@ mailto link ==== 1.43.2 (2022-07-27) ==== === Features === * [[https://scite.ai|scite.ai]] integration: citation badges * Duplicate information in CER Builder ==== 1.43.1 (2022-07-26) ==== === Bug fixes === * Display applied tags with no associated user (e.g. bulk actions, user account deleted) in AutoLit ==== 1.43.0 (2022-07-25) ==== === Features === * Robot Screener * External ID in Table Builder * Taxes included in Stripe checkout === Bug fixes === * Performance improvement in Table Builder and Manuscript editor * Removing jitter in tooltip display ===== 1.42 ===== ==== 1.42.0 (2022-07-18) ==== === Features === * ClinicalTrials.gov integration * NCT Number added as a bibliographic field * Europe PMC integration * Query writing guidance for integrated databases * Improved Qualitative Synthesis zoom mode * Site-wide improvement of scrollbar appearance (especially on Windows platform) * Adding time value & units to extraction export * Export of categorical Data Elements in table builder * Last modified time & user for tags & RoB forms * Embase ID columns & filters in inspector === Bug fixes === * Treating .txt as RIS in file-based search upload * Explicit allowed file types in search upload * Color correction of tabs in extraction configuration ===== 1.41 ===== ==== 1.41.3 (2022-07-09) ==== === Bug Fixes === * PMC ID filter in Study Inspector properly executes, and handles non-numeric inputs ==== 1.41.2 (2022-07-07) ==== === Features === * Making nest keywords editable from Screening Configuration === Bug Fixes === * Import full affiliation for EMBASE RIS imports * Study inspector sorting all records even when top 100 are displayed * Adding back progress bar for Screening Adjudication * Corrected PRISMA report/record wording * Properly display public Synthesis for non-logged-in users ==== 1.41.1 (2022-07-04) ==== === Features === * CER Builder ==== 1.41.0 (2022-07-04) ==== === Features === * Dual Extraction ===== 1.40 ===== ==== 1.40.2 (2022-07-01) ==== === Features === * Full Text Search in Inspector * Reduced dependency on DOI in deduplication (specifically, solving conference abstracts) === Bug Fixes === * No redirect to AutoLit Home upon login from originally requested page, unless on at landing page * User Keywords do not appear editable from Synthesis ==== 1.40.1 (2022-06-25) ==== === Features === * Custom Search Engines * Unscreening * Download bibliomined PDFs * About link in navbar === Bug Fixes === * Importing full author affiliations from RIS files * Searching user name, in addition to email, in user mentions ==== 1.40.0 (2022-06-20) ==== === Features === * Two pass screening (separate screening queues for title/abstract & full text) * Author affiliation search filter in inspector * Full text review filter in inspector === Bug Fixes === * Improved inspector performance for very large (>10k records) nests * Navigate to next record in dual screening adjudication when overriding determination * Increase in abstract text line height ===== 1.39 ===== ==== 1.39.0 (2022-06-13) ==== === Features === * Manage subscriptions & payment on the site, on an individual & organizational basis * Modify bibliographic data directly on Add Individual References * New Search Engines * PDF Annotations included in tag merge === Bug Fixes === * Supporting lit search vennn diagrams for very large nests * Correct intersection of multiple literature search filters on Inspector ===== 1.38 ===== ==== 1.38.2 (2022-06-01) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Nest deletion button disabled for non-admins * Increased upload timeout on large files * Nest invite email corrections ==== 1.38.1 (2022-05-30) ==== === Features === * Displaying size of search venn diagram pieces === Bug Fixes === * Faster upload and processing of large (5000+ records) file-based ris/nbib imports * Consistent PICO predictions upon upload * Backfill for all records without PICO predictions ==== 1.38.0 (2022-05-25) ==== === Features === * User Invites * Adding users to nests & organizations now requires a complete email (privacy measure) * Invited user receives an email & an option to accept or decline the invite * Org admins receive email from users requesting to join their org * Emails without an account may inherit their invited permissions upon account creation * Full citation export in tables * Tag description made available in tagging * Auto-selection of exclusion reasons upon on-the-fly creation === Bug Fixes === * Loading a mentioned study when not logged in no longer covers the login button * Supporting PubMed queries over 4,000 characters long ===== 1.37 ===== ==== 1.37.1 (2022-05-19) ==== === Features === * Duplicate Queue Improvements: * Ability to clear the queue, dropping or keeping all records for screening * Displaying number of duplicate records === Bug Fixes === * Proper attribution of triplicate+ records in the Duplicate Queue * Defaulting data extraction configurationn mode to Data Elements (no hot click to reassign intervention root) * Defaulting file-based import dates ==== 1.37.0 (2022-05-12) ==== === Features === * Full suite of PDF functions * Rotate * Zoom * Download * Delete * Improved switching between reviewer-level ("You") and adjudicating screening modes in dual-configured nests * New home page * New support page === Bug Fixes === * Improved display of extraction on horizontally constrained data elements ===== 1.36 ===== ==== 1.36.0 (2022-05-05) ==== === Features === * Differentiaing inspector screening status for nests with dual screening configured in: * filters * column options * Ability to filter to specific bibliomined files in inspector === Bug Fixes === * Properly deleting bibliomine attempts ===== 1.35 ===== ==== 1.35.3 (2022-05-02) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Synthesis RoB visuals only display included studies * Synthesis RoB visuals only display domains where risk is relevant ==== 1.35.2 (2022-04-29) ==== === Features === * Preparation for new PubMed API (achieveing parity with PubMed web ~June 2022) === Bug Fixes === * Allowing tagging with an initially empty hierarchy * Truncating overflowing PICO pills in Search Exploration * Allowing deletion of tags corresponding to the configured intervention root ==== 1.35.1 (2022-04-21) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Display a login prompt when visiting AutoLit home not logged in * Properly handling email preferences from account management * Reduced app size ==== 1.35.0 (2022-04-20) ==== === Features === * Extraction improvements: * Transitioned from study-level timepoints to data element-level timepoints * Ability to extract arbitrary many more timepoints than just Baseline/Outcome timepoints * Variable units in timepoint specification * Displaying continuous data element units in central tendency header * One-click metric deletion * Tag export * New site navbar * Improved language around tag deletion ===== 1.34 ===== ==== 1.34.0 (2022-04-12) ==== === Features === * Merge & edit bibliographic fields in duplication review * New "plain" cursor mode in PDF viewer * Improved labeling and ordering of comments & mentions * Updates to citation string format === Bug Fixes === * Clearing an annotation in the PDF viewer clears any excerpt text as well ===== 1.33 ===== ==== 1.33.5 (2022-04-10) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Timezone attached to publication dates causing incorrect bibliographic details ==== 1.33.4 (2022-04-06) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Retain tag descriptions in tag template creation & import * Fix sporadic crashes of PDF Viewer for large files * Fix tag selection drop jittering on vertically constrained pages ==== 1.33.3 (2022-03-31) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Bibliographic data editing fixes - PMID & publication dates < 1970 ==== 1.33.2 (2022-03-30) ==== === Features === * Exploded tag searching in Inspector * New user improvements: * Account management updates * Guided nest creation wording & UX * New nest tips auto-open * Added pricing info to free tier paywall ==== 1.33.1 (2022-03-28) ==== === Features === * Notes for literature searches === Bug Fixes === * Remove "Full Text" linkouts from rich text citation strings when DOI is not present for record ==== 1.33.0 (2022-03-25) ==== === Features === * Templated Nest Protocols * Copy record-level rich text citations to clipboard * Run searches immediately upon creation === Bug Fixes === * Missing spaces in some PDF tagging selections ===== 1.32 ===== ==== 1.32.2 (2022-03-22) ==== === Features === * Enabling larger searches (up to 10k records) * Emails for new user accounts === Bug Fixes === * Broken PMC linkout * Author first/last name ordering in exports * Clearer language for email verification * Syncing NK email preferences with release & marketing email preferences ==== 1.32.1 (2022-03-20) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Tag deletion restored * Do not attempt scroll-to in Extraction when DE tag is not applied * Deduplicating references within bibliomining attempts ==== 1.32.0 (2022-03-13) ==== === Features === * AutoLit Tips * Tag Templating at the Organization level * Automatic retraining of Inclusion Models * Ability to hide Inclusion Predictions (while maintaining ordering) * Perputation of Org Admin status to Nests === Bug Fixes === * Properly displaying bibliomine attempts in Inspector Literature Search Filter * Improved guidance for Inspector typeahead ===== 1.31 ===== ==== 1.31.1 (2022-03-04) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Search deletion crashing when studies in duplicate queue ==== 1.31.0 (2022-03-03) ==== === Features === * Organization Management * User listing * Nest listing * Exclusion Reason Templates * Exclusion reason import * Persisting comment edits in AutoLit across page navigation & reloads === Bug Fixes === * Sorting within pinned nests on AutoLit Home ===== 1.30 ===== ==== 1.30.2 (2022-03-02) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Site-wide improvements in page load times * Re-enabling copy to clipboard in PDF viewer ==== 1.30.1 (2022-02-21) ==== === Features === * Scroll-to annotated tags in extraction === Bug Fixes === * Replace missing icons in Inspector * Nest Home tabbing display issues ==== 1.30.0 (2022-02-14) ==== === Features === * PDF Annotation-based Tagging * Within PDF searching * Nest Demos & Initialization for new users * Predicted Search sizes === Bug Fixes === * Differentiating sign in & sign up links * Tagged DE excerpt orientation * Reduced client app size (faster loads) ===== 1.29 ===== ==== 1.29.0 (2022-02-10) ==== === Features === * New Inspector Filters * Comments * Data Elements * Interventions * Other bibliographic data * Titling manuscript and protocol downloads with the nest name * Persisting inspector filters === Bug Fixes === * Tagging form reset on study iteration * Displaying a user icon for users without a profile image * Cannot enter N=0 in extraction for dichotomous metrics * Full text export zipping for windows ===== 1.28 ===== ==== 1.28.0 (2022-01-31) ==== === Features === * Tags suggest Data Elements for Extraction * Copying comments on Nest copy * Apply tag after on-the-fly creation * Democratizing certain nest settings, notably: * Protocol editor * User keywords * Editor stlying updates === Bug Fixes === * Dashboard scrolling * Vulnerability patches ===== 1.27 ===== ==== 1.27.0 (2022-01-21) ==== === Features === * Exploration visuals in inspector * Bibliomining from PDFs * Bulk expert recommendation from multiple identifiers * Bulk Full Text & Supplemental material export * Direct Google Scholar link out * PMID parsing from mixed text RIS fields === Bug Fixes === * Dashboard hover text overflow * Improved Safari compatibility * Leaking key listener breaking arrow navigation ===== 1.26 ===== ==== 1.26.0 (2022-01-10) ==== === Features === * Quantitative Synthesis updates * Random/fixed effects toggle * Plots of univariate & marginal distribution * Appropriate axis/coloring scaling/transformations * Styling improvements to fit wider site * Responsive/Mobile * RIS export from Inspector * Apply tags from extracted Data Elements using a Bulk Action * View and edit external ID from bibliographic data === Bug Fixes === * Network diagram inaccuracies * Ability to completely clear an exclusion reason name ===== 1.25 ===== ==== 1.25.2 (2022-01-05) ==== === Features === * Enter key to apply tags * Client side error logging * Updated privacy policy === Bug Fixes === * SIGN RoB display ==== 1.25.1 (2021-12-22) ==== === Bug Fixes === * JBI repeated question (case seres), and missing question (quasi-experimental & cohort) * No caching login credentials following account deletion ==== 1.25.0 (2021-12-21) ==== === Features === * Account deletion * Numbered citation export in Manuscript === Bug Fixes === * JBI case series RoB form ===== 1.24 ===== ==== 1.24.3 (2021-12-17) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Tag DE merge messaging correction ==== 1.24.2 (2021-12-15) ==== === Features === * Bulk action history + screening undo * Ordering Exclusion Reasons by frequency === Bug Fixes === * Citation copy/paste * Tag, DE, and intervention merging * Pooling means with 0 SD in updatable tables ==== 1.24.1 (2021-12-10) ==== === Features === * Sticky AutoLit Menu (no more hover) * Directed Wiki links from AutoLit * Default Inspector filters * Improved home page * General AutoLit style assimilation === Bug Fixes === * Inspector RoB filtering crashes when no RoB configured * RoB typeahead high risk filter correctly filters to high risk ==== 1.24.0 (2021-12-07) ==== === Features === * Risk of Bias - forms, Inspector filtering, export, Synthesis (domain distributions & traffic light). Cochrane RoB 2, JBI, and SIGN. * Exporting study size in table export ===== 1.23 ===== ==== 1.23.0 (2021-12-03) ==== === Features === * Mobile AutoLit! === Bug Fixes === * QNS Summary Table empty when only 1 intervention * Various Search Exploration navigation ===== 1.22 ===== ==== 1.22.0 (2021-11-29) ==== === Features === * Query Builder === Bug Fixes === * Disappearing Mention Selection * "null" displaying for empty last names in user search ===== 1.21 ===== ==== 1.21.1 (2021-11-18) ==== === Bug Fixes === Inspector module switcher not present on tagging and extraction. ==== 1.21.0 (2021-11-17) ==== === Features === * Study supplemental materials * Nest Materials * QLS excerpt highlighting * Inspector improvements * Updating screening decision does not close study detail * Author search typeahead * User KW highlighting scheme improvements * Typing '@' in comment box auto-opens mentions === Bug Fixes === * Proper error message when ID of expert recommendation cannot be found * Handling unpaywall returning a link to non-PDF content types (most commonly due to DDoS protection measures) ===== 1.20 ===== ==== 1.20.1 (2021-11-08) ==== === Features === * AutoLit landing page improvements: * Search first ~100 words of protocol from AL home * Sort columns * Display number of records in each nest * Grouped PICOs displayed as individual pills when PICO collector is collapsed in Search Exploration === Bug Fixes === * Comment deletion option only displays to owner * When unpaywall is down, full-text tab no longer crashes * Site-wide CSRF protections * Various style fixes, especially around overflow behavior in AutoLit ==== 1.20.0 (2021-10-25) ==== === Features === * Updated Search Exploration workflow * Research question specification on nest creation * Auto tag creation, keyword creation * PICO exploration * Restyled Literature Search, with added features: * Fuzzy term intersections displayed * Displaying number of total & included records being deleted when searches are deleted === Bug Fixes === * Unfocusing gathered tag upon deletion ===== 1.19 ===== ==== 1.19.1 (2021-10-20) ==== === Bug Fixes === * On the fly tag creation no longer causing crashes ==== 1.19.0 (2021-10-19) ==== === Features === * Email notification on mention in comments * Editing gathered tags === Bug Fixes === * Study Inspector cursor refocusing * Protocol download filename * Improved behavior of Data Element configuration overflow * Ability to add an author when none are present ===== 1.18 ===== ==== 1.18.1 (2021-10-10) ==== === Bug Fixes === * Records without authors were causing crashes in screening, tagging, and extraction ==== 1.18.0 (2021-10-08) ==== === Features === * Synthesis components may be embedded on external sites * Citations to included studies may be added in Manuscript * Inclusion probability predictions as a column & sort in Study Inspector === Bug Fixes === * Comments with multiple mentioned users are no longer repeated multiple times in "All Mentions" on Nest Home * When merging tags that are interventions, study arms of the source intervention are updated to the target intervention