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Policy Exception Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that exceptions to security policies are documented and approved through an exception process.


This policy applies to all published Nested Knowledge information security policies. Employees and contractors must abide by this exception process.


An exception to an information security policy may be granted in the following cases:

To Request an Exception:

Email or slack the information security team to request an exception. You request must contain the following information:

Example Exception Request

Steve would like to share Carl's Pizza Planet Account to order Pies for after-hour work events. This violates our access control policy, which Steve is well-acquainted with, as he pays close attention during annual trainings. Steve's request might look like the following:


Policy exception requests will be reviewed monthly or as they occur.

Revision History

AuthorDate of Revision/ReviewComments/Description
K. Cowie02/07/2023Draft Completed

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