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wiki:autolit:admin:configure [2024/09/23 11:52]
jthurnham [2. Synthesis]
wiki:autolit:admin:configure [2024/09/23 11:54] (current)
jthurnham [Nest Access]
Line 59: Line 59:
 {{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.51.06.png?nolink |}} {{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.51.06.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Show Full Texts ====
 +Abstracts are automatically shown alongside records displayed in Synthesis. If you wish to also display Full Texts, toggle this on here. Due to copyright reasons, this cannot be turned on if your nest is public, only protected or private (see above).
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_12.46.34.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Static Manuscript ====
 +Upload a pdf to be shown in Synthesis when Manuscript is toggled on and empty.
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.54.05.png?nolink |}}
 +Manuscript in Synthesis will then display the pdf as such:
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot-2024-09-05-at-12.55.35-2048x1052.png?nolink |}}
 ---- ----
wiki/autolit/admin/configure.1727092352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/23 11:52 by jthurnham