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wiki:synthesis:qualitative [2024/09/23 14:19]
jthurnham [2. Navigate to Qualitative Synthesis]
wiki:synthesis:qualitative [2024/09/23 15:12] (current)
jthurnham [Associated Studies]
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 ==== 3. Explore Sunburst View ==== ==== 3. Explore Sunburst View ====
-Sunburst is an interactive feature that allows you to explore all tags within a Nest. Explore using the following functions:+Sunburst is an interactive feature that allows you to explore all tags within a Nest. Explore using the following functions (Hovering over each segment shows you the full tag name):
-{{ :undefined:explore.png?nolink |}} +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_15.20.15.png?nolink |}}
- +
-Hovering over each segment shows you the full tag name. +
- +
-{{ :undefined:hover.png?nolink |}}+
 === Filter the Sunburst === === Filter the Sunburst ===
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 Alongside filtering the sunburst, you can also apply broader filters to view specific sets of studies via the Settings button in the top right. Learn more about [[wiki:synthesis:filters|Synthesis Filters.]] Alongside filtering the sunburst, you can also apply broader filters to view specific sets of studies via the Settings button in the top right. Learn more about [[wiki:synthesis:filters|Synthesis Filters.]]
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_15.22.09.png?nolink |}}
 === Zoom on the Sunburst === === Zoom on the Sunburst ===
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   * **Zoom:**  Qualitative Synthesis Zoom functions by 'drilling down' on tags of interest. To switch from "Filtering" to "Zooming" on segments of the sunburst diagram, toggle to "Zoom" in the upper right of the page:   * **Zoom:**  Qualitative Synthesis Zoom functions by 'drilling down' on tags of interest. To switch from "Filtering" to "Zooming" on segments of the sunburst diagram, toggle to "Zoom" in the upper right of the page:
-{{ :undefined:zoom.png?nolink |}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_15.24.10.png?nolink |}}
-Then, select the tag that you would like to be the new 'inner ring' of your sunburst. In the example above, selecting "Outcomes" makes it the new inner ring, with all sub-tags displayed in the next ring:+Then, select the tag that you would like to be the new 'inner ring' of your sunburst. In the example above, selecting "Interventions" makes it the new inner ring, with all sub-tags displayed in the next ring:
-{{ :undefined:zoomout.png?nolink |}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_15.25.01.png?nolink |}}
-This Zooming action can be done iteratively– that is, selecting any tag below "Outcomes" in the example above would make that new tag the inner ring.+This Zooming action can be done iteratively– that is, selecting any tag below "Interventions" in the example above would make that new tag the inner ring.
 When you are finished Zooming in, you can: When you are finished Zooming in, you can:
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   * **Filter**: To switch back to Filtering the Zoomed-in sunburst, toggle to "Filter" in the upper right; or   * **Filter**: To switch back to Filtering the Zoomed-in sunburst, toggle to "Filter" in the upper right; or
   * **Clear Zoom**: To Zoom out to the full sunburst, click "Clear Zoom" in the upper left.   * **Clear Zoom**: To Zoom out to the full sunburst, click "Clear Zoom" in the upper left.
 === Reorder or Hide Segments on Sunburst === === Reorder or Hide Segments on Sunburst ===
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 //Note://  You can share and download filtered studies, but you cannot embed with this format currently. //Note://  You can share and download filtered studies, but you cannot embed with this format currently.
-=== Associated Studies ===+==== Associated Studies ===
 +In both the sunburst and dendrogram view, when you click on a tag, you can view the associated studies on the right hand side. When clicking on a specific study, you can view the abstract, full text, supplements, related reports, tags, meta-analytical data, tags and searches corresponding to that study. 
 +Note: Full Texts & Supplements can only be viewed if switched on in the Nest's Settings //**and**// the nest is private or protected. Meta-analytical data will only be shown if switched on and completed in the nest. 
 +{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_16.05.45.png?nolink |}}
-In both the sunburst and dendrogram viewwhen you click on a tagyou can view the associated studies on the right hand side. When clicking on a specific study, you can view the abstractquantitative datatags and searches corresponding to that study.+When an associated study is selected, the layout looks similar to the study layout in AutoLit with AbstractFull TextSupplements, and Related Reports central at the top (red). The right-hand side looks slightly different as it is not editableHere you can toggle TagsData, and Searches at the top right (blue)
-In the "Tags" tab, you can see a list of all tags and their contents. If your nest contains tags with table contents, the table will be shown here. However, this data can be exported in [[wiki:autolit:utilities:inspector#download_from_inspector|Study Inspector]].+In the "Tags" tab, you can see a list of all tags and click to view their contents, in the "Data" tab, you can see a list of all extracted data elements split out by study arm and in the "Searches" tab, you can see select to view the search query the study was retrieved from. If the tag or data is associated with text or a selection of the full text, this will be identified and auto-scrolled to when selected (orange).
-{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-04-01_at_16.20.27.png?nolink |}}+{{ :undefined:screenshot_2024-09-23_at_16.10.15.png?nolink |}}
 ==== 5. Share, Embed or Download ==== ==== 5. Share, Embed or Download ====
wiki/synthesis/qualitative.1727101187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/23 14:19 by jthurnham