Table of Contents

Quality Control (QC)


The first step in quality control is to understand the research question and proposal if available. Once the project goals are clear, identify the aim of the QC by asking the following:

In the case that the project is unclear and the research design needs to be refined, one of the goals of QCing will be to refine the research question. Evaluate studies for common themes while reviewing the data extraction with the following guiding questions:


When reviewing the extraction for each study, assess if the study has any of the following detriments to inclusion:

In the case that the study should not be included, note the reason that exclusion is recommended for secondary review.

When performing an SR/MA, you should also be sure that it does not have an excessively small or excessively large number of included studies. Always seek input from a statistician on this matter, as an “appropriate size” for an SR/MA is highly variable and depends on the specific study design and client requests. Generally speaking, you might expect a meta-analysis with inferential statistics to include anywhere from 4 to 50 studies.


Examine the data elements for extraction. There may be inconsistencies that occurred as a result of variances in study reporting that can only be uncovered after reviewing the extraction of several studies. When examining the extraction for each study, look out for the following common data element errors:

Go through each study and check that each element, intervention, and follow-up period are correctly extracted, paying special attention to the abstract, tables, methods and results.

Common extraction errors to correct:

Statistical Errors and Clarifications

QC requires a thorough understanding of the statistical measurements that are encountered when reading scientific literature. Refer to the following list if clarification is needed.

Mean The average of a set of numbers. This measure can be combined across populations if there are two means reported. This is NOT the same thing as Least Square (LS) mean.
Median The middle value of a listed set of numbers. This measure can not be combined or used as a mean.
Standard Deviation (SD) A measure of the amount of variance within a set of numbers. Typically reported with a mean value using the symbol '±'
Standard Error (SE) The standard deviation of a sample of the larger population. This is NOT the same thing as SD and should not be used in replacement of SD.
Range The difference between the highest and lowest numbers in a given set. Typically given alongside the median.
Interquartile Range (IQR) The difference between the upper and lower quartiles. This is NOT the same thing as Range and should not be used as a replacement.

NK-specific QC

To be done in addition to steps outlined above. qc_checklist_for_wikis.docx


QC after review Screening section and review before Extraction section.


Note any thoughts or concerns you have in the comments section of the study. If you have done extensive revisions for the study, note the problem with the first extraction and how you fixed it. Justify any recommendations for inclusion/exclusion.

Final Steps