Table of Contents


AutoLit® is Nested Knowledge's platform for performing a review. On AutoLit, you can Search for records, Screen out records that are not relevant to your research, and Tag relevant qualitative data using tags.

Additionally, other features include Meta-Analytical Extraction to extract quantitative data, and Manuscript Editorto compile your evidence. For more information and a brief overview of the AutoLit tool, explore the pages below!

When completing a review on AutoLit, you will automatically generate the interactive, data-driven visuals presented in Synthesis.

Getting Started

The AutoLit Workflow

By creating a review in AutoLit, you automatically create interactive, visual outputs on Synthesis. To see the connections between the AutoLit tasks and Synthesis outputs, see the figure below:



Other Resources

Systematic reviews are complicated! Here are some further resources to help with your study design and nest building: