Table of Contents


AutoLit® is Nested Knowledge's platform for performing a review. On AutoLit, you can Search for records, Screen out records that are not relevant to your research, and Tag relevant qualitative data using tags.

Additionally, other features include Meta-Analytical Extraction to extract quantitative data, and Manuscript Editorto compile your evidence. For more information and a brief overview of the AutoLit tool, explore the pages below!

When completing a review on AutoLit, you will automatically generate the interactive, data-driven visuals presented in Synthesis.

Getting Started

The AutoLit Workflow

By creating a review in AutoLit, you automatically create interactive, visual outputs on Synthesis. To see the connections between the AutoLit tasks and Synthesis outputs, see the figure below:


Any nest that you create, as well as any nest that is shared with you or your organization, will be listed on your Nests page.



Other Resources

Systematic reviews are complicated! Here are some further resources to help with your study design and nest building: