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Nest Protocol


The Nest Protocol outlines the goal, scope, and key tasks of your systematic literature review or meta-analysis. In it, the project leadership should provide critical background information, the context of the review, and primary and secondary endpoints.


Use bullet points and short sentences. Keep it brief. You may add images to the protocol when applicable. Optionally, you may add a table with common abbreviations and terminology.

Suggested Sections: Purpose/Research Question, Search Strategy, Scope, Population, Interventions, Outcomes 

Creat a Protocol

To create a nest protocol, you must have admin permissions on a nest.

Need admin permissions? Email the nest owner and/or project lead.

Select Protocol Editor

Write the Protocol

Add headers, bullet points, and bold font. There is no one-size-fits all formula for a protocol! The goal of a 'best practices' protocol should be: enable someone unfamiliar with the project to carry out any of the Search, Screening, Tagging, Extraction, or interpretive tasks in your project in the same way that you, as project lead, would do.

Send Instructions to Users

Ensure that users know where to find the Protocol (see below), and send messages to users regarding any specific tasks that each of them should complete. The Protocol does not usually include specific user instructions, but rather contains generalized nest methods, so communicate individual instructions outside of the Protocol's contents.

wiki/autolit/admin/protocol.1642541485.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/18 21:31 by katcow