Nested Knowledge

Bringing Systematic Review to Life

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Nested Knowledge's AutoLit review platform is free to use by institutional-affiliated users for non-commercial purposes.

Keyboard Access

  • Our Study Inspector tool allows you to filter studies based on inclusion status and title/abstract by typing
  • When Screening, you can add exclusion reasons on the fly by typing.
  • In Extraction, you can add new tags on the fly by typing in the dropdown area.

Text Resizing

To increase the text size, click the keys CRTL and + (for PC users) or COMMAND and + (for Mac users).


  • Abstract highlighting is visible with inverted colors.
  • No graphics rely solely on the use of colors to convey information.


Our Manuscript Editor is built on a Text Editor that supports screen readers and bidirectional text.

Contact Us

If AutoLit does not meet your needs, get in touch with us or share your feedback!

wiki/support/accessibility.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/01 09:00 by jthurnham