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Administrative functions are split into Nest-level Admin functions and Organization-level Admin functions; this page covers Nest-level Admin functions.

  • For Organization-level Admin functions, see Manage Organizations.
  • Note: if you are adding Organizational Access to a specific nest, that is a Nest-level Admin function under the Groups tab under the Contributor Settings page, not the Manage Organizations page.


Nest-level Admin Functions:

The Admin page is only available to Owners and Admins of nests. To give a User Admin privileges, see the Contributor Settings page.

1. Users and Contributors

Add or remove User and/or Admin privileges for other AutoLit users. Add groups of users to your nest in bulk.. Select how contributors are displayed on Synthesis. Learn how to manage users and admins.

2. Synthesis

The results of your nest may be kept private or made public. Configure the visibility of Synthesis:

3. Screening

As an Admin, you can configure Screening to be either Standard or Dual Screening. Standard Screening means that each record will be screened by one user. Dual Screening means that each record is screened by two different users and later adjudicated by a third.

4. Risk of Bias

Choose a Risk of Bias system. Learn more about Ccnfiguring Risk of Bias  Risk of Bias

5. Copying a Nest

Copying a nest will copy the data and configurations, such as the search terms, references, exclusion reasons, the tagging hierarchy, applied tags, data elements, full-text PDFs, Risk of Bias Assessments, the protocol and manuscript, and other configurations. The copied nest is entirely independent of the original nest.

Access privileges will not be copied from the old nest and must be configured.

6. Renaming and Deleting a Nest

As an Admin, you have the option of deleting a nest. Please consult with the rest of your team before deciding to delete any nest.


wiki/autolit/admin.1653080348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/20 20:59 by kevinkallmes