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Duplicate Review

Why Review Duplicates?

AutoLit provides automatic de-duplication, meaning that whenever you complete multiple searchers (or import multiple RIS/nBIB files), an algorithm compares the DOI, URL, study ID (such as PMID), and title, and de-duplicates any studies that match across these fields with a high enough certainty. However, if you want to ensure that all de-duplicated records are in fact duplicates, this page enables manual review of all de-duplication decisions.

Under Literature Search, select “Duplicate Review” ( red box ).

Duplicate Review menu

Review Duplicate Records

Once you open the page, you will see a list of all records that were removed from the nest as duplicates of existing records. While the basic information about the record is shown in the table, to review an individual record, click on the row to open the Duplicate Review modal.

Review duplicates

Examine Duplicates

Once you have selected a record, you can see and edit the bibliographic information of both the record that was kept in the nest and the record that was removed as a duplicate. Any differences in bibliographic information are presented in red text to highlight potential differences. From this page, you can do several things:

1. Override De-duplication

If the de-duplication was in error (and both records should be added to the nest as separate studies), select “Keep Both Records Separately” to over to insert each one into your nest.

2. Confirm De-duplication

If, upon review, a de-duplication decision that you are reviewing is correct, you can click “Keep only this record,” “cancel,” or click out of the modal to confirm the de-duplication decision.

3. Edit the Record

If the bibliographic information for the record that was kept is incorrect, you can edit it from this portal. To edit, click on any field and type in the correct bibliographic information.

Override automatic reference de-duplication

wiki/autolit/screening/deduplication.1634168643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/13 23:44 by kevinkallmes