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Execute Literature Search

When the research question has been finalized, it's time to check the literature.

1. Select Nest

From the list on AutoLit, select your Nest.

The Nest menu is the left-side column of buttons. Click on “Literature Search”.

Click on the “Add Search” button.

You will be able to see any previous searches performed

4. Type in your Search Terms

Type your search terms into the “Query” box, type the same as you would in a search engine. Use parentheses and terms such as AND, OR, NOT, in between your phrases. Click HERE for tips on how to create a great literature search. newlitsearch.jpg

5. Select Search Engine & Schedule

Below the “Query” box, there is a drop-down list of search engines you can choose from. A second drop-down list is below, where you can choose to run the search only once or have it repeatedly run over time (ex: monthly, etc).

Once you've completed entering all terms, chosen the search engine and schedule of running the search. Click “Add” in the bottom right corner of the window.

7. New Studies will be Added to Screening

Once you add the new search, it will run and be listed at the top of your searches. The added studies will be ready to be screened in the Nest menu.

Next Step: Screening!

Useful Information

  • Viewing Search History
    • To see the full term that was searched on the search engine and the dates on which it was searched, as well as the number of studies retrieved, you can hover over a study and click “Full History“.
  • Deletion Warning
    • If you delete a search, you will delete all studies found through that search term, all screening, tagging, extraction data, and any live/updatable export from those studies. Do not delete a search unless you want to remove all results related to it.
  • No Editing
    • To ensure a consistent search record, you cannot edit a search term once executed. You can delete it (see above warning) and replace it, but you cannot edit a search once it is added.
wiki/autolit/search/execute.1649954791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/14 16:46 by khutchison