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Searching PubMed

This doc describes how to use Boolean search to retrieve records from PubMed via Application Program Interface (API). See also our blog on constructing a query from the start!

Entering a Boolean Query

Boolean Operators can be used to specify the structure of your search.

Basic Boolean Operators

When entering your search terms of interest, use:

  • AND/OR/NOT to separate terms,
  • quotation marks to search for an exact term (which also turns off Automatic Term Mapping), and
  • parenthesis to dictate groupings and priority order

to narrow in on publications of interest. For example,

stroke AND (trevo OR solitaire) AND “modified Rankin Scale”

will retrieve all PubMed-indexed publications that contain all of the following in their title, abstract, or keywords:

  • The word stroke or similar terms to stroke (using Automatic Term Mapping [ATM])
  • The word trevo or the word solitaire and associated ATM
  • The exact phrase “modified Rankin Scale.”

Note: Asterisks are also Boolean operators and can be used for truncation,

Using Search Fields and Filters

If you want to specify how a term will be interpreted by PubMed, specify the field in the following manner: term[FIELD], using one of PubMed's pre-specified fields.


PubMed indexes articles using theMeSH controlled vocabulary, which means that you can add this field to search for MeSH topics so long as your term of interest is in the MeSH hierarchy.

  • [MESH] / [MEST TERMS]: Searches throughout the MeSH hierarchy.
  • [MESH MAJOR TOPIC]: Searches only for MeSH “Major Topics” (which are indicated in the MeSH hierarchy by asterisks).
  • [MESH SUBHEADING]: Searches for only non-Major Topics in the MeSH hierarchy.

Note: MeSH field searches will still be mapped by ATM, but only across the relevant MeSH fields.

Guidance on Search Creation

While it is possible to simply enter your terms of interest, the following guidance (as well as this more in-depth search guide) helps narrow your search with the goal of finding as many relevant/includable records as possible, while returning as few irrelevant records as possible.

PICO Framework

If you are searching for clinical studies and are seeking a framework for building out your search, you may consider using PICO to organize your Patients, Interventions/Comparators, and Outcomes.

Automatic Term Mapping

When you search on PubMed, it will search not only for your term of interest but also use Automatic Term Mapping (ATM) to find records with related terms. Specifically, ATM matches each individual term in your search against:

  • A Subject translation table (including MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)),
  • A Journals translation table,
  • The Author index, and
  • An Investigator (Collaborator) index.

In effect, ATM expands your search's coverage to ensure that synonyms and close-matches are not thrown out. To see how ATM has expanded your search, you can view the Search History on the Literature Search page.

Expanding or Narrowing?

If your search was too narrow (and did not return the records you want to include), consider:

  • Adding new terms or synonyms with “OR”
  • Removing extraneous and highly specific terms
  • Removing quotation marks.

If your search was too broad (and returned more records than you want to screen, with a low 'hit rate'), consider:

  • Removing general terms in favor of more specific ones,
  • Appending more “AND”- phrases, including filters for both concepts of interest and traits like study type or date
  • Adding quotation marks, where appropriate.

See also our guidance on search size.

API vs. "New" PubMed Searches

When you run your PubMed search on Nested Knowledge, you are plugging into the PubMed API. The API still uses the search from before the launch of "New" PubMed. This can lead to differences between the records pulled from the API compared to running the search directly on PubMed, due to differences in Automatic Term Mapping between New PubMed and the API.

PubMed has recently released estimates on the schedule to “match” the API to New PubMed.

If you are interested in using New PubMed for Nested Knowledge, you still can do so! However, this involves running the search directly on PubMed, exporting an nBIB file, and importing it. This has the downside that there will be no automatic updating of your search.

wiki/autolit/search/pubmed.1658085542.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/17 19:19 by kevinkallmes