Nested Knowledge

Bringing Systematic Review to Life

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Edit the Nested Knowledge Wiki

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Explains how to edit an individual Wiki page in CKG Edit or DW Edit format.

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Teaches you how to insert images into the Wiki page.

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Tips and Tricks

A page for the best tips and tricks to know when editing Wiki pages.

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How to upload a PDF or document into a Wiki page.

We invite researchers, libraries, medical writers, and physicians to share their knowledge and tips with the Nested Knowledge community. We welcome instructions on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Using AutoLit for reviews
  • Adhering to systematic review best practices
  • Performing statistical analysis
  • Collaborating across international teams
  • Writing systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • Applying the results of living reviews to inform decision-making

Check out our instructions on getting started editing and inserting images.

Questions about editing in Dokuwiki? Contact Us

wiki/collaboration/wikiediting.1651183438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/28 22:03 by khutchison