Nested Knowledge

Bringing Systematic Review to Life

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This is an old revision of the document!

Table of Contents


Nested Knowledge uses Semantic Versioning for labelling releases. Major version bumps (e.g. 1.x.x to 2.x.x) typically signal that an existing workflow will break & all impacted users will be notified in advance. Minor & patch version bumps (e.g. x.x.1 to x.x.2) correspond to new features, iteration on an existing features, and/or bug fixes. Users typically need not pay attention to these changes to continue using NK as they did before (although they may be missing out on awesome new things)!


1.85.0 (2024-06-11)


  • Boolean operators for Inspector
  • Randomize order of studies in screening queue

Bug Fixes

  • Smart tag recommendations fixed
  • Screening queue peformance improvements


1.84.1 (2024-06-05)


  • Recursive tag deletion
  • Automatically unlock PDFs uploaded for bibliomining and expert addition by PDF
  • Configure question type for organization tag remplates
  • Ovid MEDLINE search engine option

Bug Fixes

  • Not all included studies appearing in dashboard Study card.
  • Whitespacing display in Insights
  • Improving robustness of Screening Model and Smart Tagging to study and tag deletion
  • Improving CrossRef access through better treatment of API rate limits

1.84.0 (2024-06-04)


  • Synthesis versioning
  • Notification emails for recurring searches
  • Teams inherit templates from parent organization
  • Bibliomine attempts are now included in nest copies
  • Upon creation, new nests are placed in the folder the user had opened

Bug Fixes

  • Smart tags automatically regenerating for included records with FT attached
    Studies without authors not appearing in QNS
  • Multi-node jats import (most relevant to abstracts from CrossRef)
  • Table contents import with title matching no longer imports one row and removes others
  • Improved search, nest, and duplicate queue deletion times


1.83.1 (2024-05-14)


  • Applied tags as annotations in individual and bulk FT PDF download
  • Nests with non-public Synthesis access shown on Nest Listing

Bug Fixes

  • Library security patches
  • Protected Synthesis links not perpetuated on mobile
  • Home page layout on mobile
  • Removing possibility of creating multiple baseline or outcome timepoints for a given study & data element

1.83.0 (2024-05-02)


  • Tag Configuration overhaul
    • More intuitive forms
    • Zoomable hierarchy
    • Switch orientation of hierarchy
    • Drag and drop positioning and ordering
    • Multi-tag selection for Tag Deletion and Hiding
  • QLS tag visualization improvement
  • Hot key screening
    • Enable via modal with ctrl+shift+s
  • Select specific studies in bulk for bibliomine
  • Support for Two Pass screening in CER Builder Screening export
  • Numerous file naming schemes for FT download from Inspector
  • Setting to disable all but file download share options in Synthesis
  • List Synthesis access from Nests (renamed from AutoLit Home)
  • Allow larger bulk FT imports (excepting unpaywall)
  • Date filtering UI for all automatic search creation
  • Quarterly recurring searches

Bug Fixes

  • Table Horizontal overflow and scrolling behavior
  • SUCRA rankings not respecting “Higher Better” setting of Data Elements
  • Isolated negated top-level concepts dropped from Search Exploration when positive groups are present
  • Search deletion button missing in certain browsers


1.82.0 (2024-04-10)


  • Ask AI (documentation)
  • Collaborator Organizations
  • Improved subscription checkout layout

Bug Fixes

  • Faster categorical metric retrieval for MA Extraction in large nests
  • Arrow key navigation of tag tables and MA Extraction in Inspector should not jump to next record


1.81.0 (2024-03-29)


  • Import Tag Table Contents
  • PRISMA exclusion reason grouping
  • Synthesis QoL improvements
    • Last viewed tab in study modal made sticky
    • Highlighting filtered tags in study modal
    • Only displaying relevant modules as configured (no disabled state)
    • Navigate study modal with arrow keys
  • Navigate Inspector with arrow keys
  • Generate a sharable link to the current record from the Reference pill
  • Integrating the new API

Bug Fixes

  • I2 icon missing on QNS
  • Recursive tag filter indicator missing on Inspector
  • Make the Inspector screening filter more robust to screening mode changes


1.80.0 (2024-03-07)


  • Screening auto-adjudication with Any, Exact, and Shared modes
  • Manuscript download from Synthesis
  • Live DOI/Links from Table Builder tables on site
  • Import data via External ID
  • Team admins that are not org admins ability to manage users
  • Share from Embeds
  • Inspector: filter to multiple comma-separated Ref IDs
  • Created At and Included Record columns on AutoLit Home
  • Indicator of last opened record in Study Inspector
  • Improved consistency of Standard and Two Pass screening decisions upon mode switch

Bug Fixes

  • Images inserted in abstract editor not appearing on Synthesis
  • MA Extraction crashes upon deletion of partial timepoint
  • Prefer table contents over text options when both configured
  • Manually created concepts in Search Exploration are not assigned their expected group
  • Navigated QLS Insights do not appear with description open
  • Improved display (min width) of wide configured tag table contents
  • Smart Tagging robustness improvements


1.79.1 (2024-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • Admins unable to add members to Organizations

1.79.0 (2024-02-07)


  • Teams within organizations as an access entity
  • Nest invites appear on AutoLit Home
  • Filter to & display as a column Publication Type, Inspector and Table Builder
  • Add numerous missing bibliographic data columns to Table Builder
  • Filter to any empty & non-empty bibliographic field in Inspector (“Bibliographic Status”)
  • Adjustable column widths in Inspector

Bug Fixes

  • Proper 0-padding in all dates for fixed widths
  • Improved interface for editing Related Report family name
  • Truncate long root tag names in FBT root selection to avoid overflow
  • Publication Date filter in Inspector shows off-by-1


1.78.2 (2024-01-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Improved quality of icons throughout the site
  • Allow tag recommendations when tag is configured for text options
  • Inspector tag contents filter
  • Easing the transition from standard to FBT with implied completion for single apply questions
  • Allow on-the-fly deletion of table columns
  • Proper error message when creating an organization with a pre-existing name

1.78.1 (2024-01-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Import of public tagging templates

1.78.0 (2024-01-03)


  • Text options contents in Tagging
  • Text options in table contents in Tagging
  • Honor FBT in Screening Tagging
  • Inspector filters for reviewer screening agreement/disagreement
  • Upgrading GPT 3.5 to GPT 4 Turbo in AB Smart Tagging
  • Speed improvements to Smart Tagging

Bug Fixes

  • Uniform date presentation (ISO) throughout the site
  • Search tags with table contents in table builder
  • Alias search within tag selection menus
  • More explicit nest limit exceeded message for free tier paywall
  • Avoid related reports marked as duplicates from appearing in related report families
  • Correct ordering of tag selection menu in table builder
  • Glitchy download/edit tooltip in Dashboard


1.77.1 (2023-12-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Proper copy of related report families
  • Protected Synthesis Home inaccessible without login
  • URI decoding for DOIs embedded in URLs

1.77.0 (2023-12-11)


  • Related reports improvements:
    • View applied tags of related reports during tagging
    • Exporting related report family with filters and column
  • Filter Synthesis on study attributes

Bug Fixes

  • Better handling large and homogenous inputs in Smart Tagging


1.76.2 (2023-12-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Full text viewer getting cut off
  • Prevent whitespace addition to abstracts in bibliographic edit

1.76.1 (2023-12-06)


  • KW/PICO highlighting in title as well as abstract

Bug Fixes

  • Update Inspector columns immediately upon selection
  • Handle duplicate (case-insensitive) tag names in sheet-per-root table export
  • Flakey manual import from unpaywall

1.76.0 (2023-11-30)


  • Show Ref ID & Author/Year for all study display modes
  • “Reviewed By” Screening Filters and Columns
  • Snappier AL Home load in

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid vertical overflow of all study display modes (FT & Supplement views)
  • Avoid cycle creation in tag merge of parent/child
  • Occasionally incorrect paywall message on Nest creation
  • Login session disappears for certain error pages
  • Exporting sheet names with special characters and other Excel-specific requirements


1.75.1 (2023-11-12)


  • Grouping questions to forms by root tags in FBT
  • Exporting tagging with columns grouped by root tag
  • Import documents via external id

Bug Fixes

  • Exporting MA Extraction with >2 timepoints extracted in a data element
  • Optimizations in templated tag management
  • Delay in org access upon accepting invite
  • Copying nest with created and emptied dashboard

1.75.0 (2023-11-03)


  • Article Galaxy Integration
  • Self-service pilot subscriptions
  • Free tier enforcement
    • Allow only 1 nest
    • Disallow addition of unsubscribed collaborators (individuals and organizations)

Bug Fixes

  • Affinity of nest activity counts, standard inspector filters, and queue progress bars for two pass screening modes
  • Improved messaging for spotty internet connections and automated retries
  • Enabling search in table builder tag column creation
  • Only organizations a user is a member of may be added to nests
  • Better messaging on enforcement of subscription quantity limits


1.74.0 (2023-10-31)


  • Tag and annotate supplemental materials
  • Import literature searches directly from spreadsheets
  • Use aliases in standard AB & FT tag recommendations
  • Public Templates
  • Template descriptions

Bug Fixes

  • Update applied tag when prior tag contained table contents
  • Correcting linkout


1.73.3 (2023-10-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow Protected Synthesis without authentication on mobile

1.73.2 (2023-10-12)


  • Related Reports in Inspector: Primary Report column and filter
  • Duplicate Review and count shown in Literature Search
  • FBT as the default tagging mode
  • Pricing updates

Bug Fixes

  • Loss of UI controls when reordering exclusion reasons with a drop out of the table
  • Changing nest organization owner occassionally results in 400

1.73.1 (2023-10-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to import nest tag hierarchies into org templates

1.73.0 (2023-10-05)


  • Hierarchical exclusion reasons
  • Ref ID-based data import
  • Resizable table columns in dashboard
  • xlsx table builder exports
  • Synthesis view counts for dashboard

Bug Fixes

  • Don't show org billing message when adding users to nest
  • Proper filename for dashboard table download
  • Removal of Mobile AutoLit
  • FT Uploads do not count towards “Report Sought” in PRISMA 2020
  • Proper overwrite behavior for tag import (no repeated applied tags)


1.72.4 (2023-10-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Nest Copy with file attachments in Protocol

1.72.3 (2023-09-28)


  • Ref ID export in Table Builder

1.72.2 (2023-09-26)

Bug Fixes

  • Exporting Table of: Tag in table builder
  • Incorrect Unpaywall counts at end of bulk import
  • Unable to bibliomine articles containing duplicate references

1.72.1 (2023-09-22)

Bug Fixes

  • Authorization error in tag apply bulk action

1.72.0 (2023-09-21)


  • Table Contents in Export, Dashboard, and Manuscript table builder
    • Joins to export multiple tables
  • Abstract-level tag recommendations
    • Standard
    • Smart (GPT-3.5)

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect inclusion/exclusion counts for Two Pass Screening on the Activity page
  • Handle duplicate PMIDs/DOIs in Other Sources
  • Swapping categorical data element category names
  • Avoiding large search deletion timeout


1.71.0 (2023-09-15)


  • Tracking organization membership history / audit
  • Improved subscription management information
  • 2009 PRISMA flow diagram support

Bug Fixes

  • Display whitespacing in questions in Forms Based Tagging
  • Swapping categorical data element category names
  • Avoiding large search deletion timeout


1.70.4 (2023-09-06)


  • Increase Smart Tag Recommendation study limit to 250
  • Add title search to Related Report lookup

Bug Fixes

  • Longer organization search bar in nest access
  • Avoid display of deletion and rename options for nests on AutoLit home
  • Disable QNS by default, to match Meta-Analytical Extraction default
  • Improved robustness of Smart Tag Recommendations: concurrent runs and long PDFs
  • Remove line numbers from query editor in Literature Search creation
  • Detach PubMed API dependency from Literature Search creation in event of outage
  • Study Focus modal and Dashboard card sizing & overflow behavior
  • Increased request timeout for higher latency internet connections

1.70.3 (2023-09-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Keeping a manually marked duplicate from the duplicate queue

1.70.2 (2023-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Sheet import fails with duplicate partial DOIs
  • Overflow scrolling in updatable tables
  • Rendering 0 counts in Nest Activity consistently
  • Missing publication dates appearing as epoch time in updatable tables
  • Table contents edits being dropped in FBT when focus changes or table reconfigured
  • Hiding nest owner email from Synthesis
  • Security patches

1.70.1 (2023-08-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to turn on Robot Screener

1.70.0 (2023-08-16)


  • Synthesis Dashboard
  • Synthesis shareable by QR Code
  • Autolit menu layout update
  • Progress queue query reduction for improved scaling
  • Bulk action: accept all smart tag recommendations
  • ROBINS I added to CA


1.69.4 (2023-08-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to select tags in Protected QLS

1.69.3 (2023-08-08)


  • Blinding settings:
    • Revealing reviewer names in adjudication modules
    • Hide comments in all modules
    • Hide tagging during screening

Bug Fixes

  • Finalizing searches from Search Exploration
  • Mobile AL home

1.69.2 (2023-08-01)


  • Smart tagging improvements:
    • Process more of the full text
    • Better handling of partial results from GPT
    • Improved link-back to the full text PDF
  • Import book chapters from PubMed

Bug Fixes

  • Allow editing of custom tables with deleted tags in manuscript
  • Properly import records with rich text keywords from PubMed
  • Allow deletion of the last exclusion reason in a nest
  • Nest Abstract not displaying in Synthesis

1.69.1 (2023-07-26)

Bug Fixes

  • AL Home not loading on refresh with Organization scoping selected

1.69.0 (2023-07-25)


  • Improved error, authentication, and authorization pages
  • Inspector additions:
    • Bibliographic keyword filter
    • Full citation column (JAMA)
    • Author list column


1.68.3 (2023-07-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Deletion of extremely long concepts in Search Exploration

1.68.2 (2023-07-13)


  • CER Demo Nest

Bug Fixes

  • Bulk bibliographic sync for missing and invalid identifiers

1.68.1 (2023-07-12)

Bug Fixes

  • Awaiting Screening linkout broken from Nest Activity page

1.68.0 (2023-07-11)


  • Smart Tag Recommendations
    • Tag Recommendations in Form Based Tagging
  • Revamped Nest Activity page (formerly Dashboard)
  • Duplicate Queue download

Bug Fixes

  • Properly order tag contents columns in Inspector exports
  • Match order of screening reviewers in Inspector exports and adjudication pages
  • Tag import in nest with 0 prior tags
  • Improvements to mobile UX and layout


1.67.0 (2023-06-26)


  • Rename “Extraction” to “Meta-Analytical Extraction” module
    • Default off for new nests

Bug Fixes

  • Allow multiple period characters in file names for bulk PDF upload
  • Robot Screener not consistently entering screening decisions for Dual Two Pass nests
  • RIS imports with exceptionally long KWs failing


1.66.3 (2023-06-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Improper Medline date parsing for PubMed searches

1.66.2 (2023-06-14)


  • Import electronic publication date for records coming from eCollections in PubMed searches
  • List number of users on Org Admin
  • Improved error logging and tracking

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect Last Accessed date for folders without a nest access on AutoLit Home
  • Make query field optional for file-based search imports
  • Remove Allocation from Study Inspector Bulk Actions listing
  • Add exclusion reasons on the fly broken for standard screening
  • Handle concepts with trailing spaces in Search Exploration

1.66.1 (2023-06-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Standard tagging page crashing on load
  • Miniature demo creation button icons

1.66.0 (2023-06-06)


  • Ref IDs
    • Filter & Column in Inspector & Allocation Inspector
    • Matching for bulk document import
    • Exported in RIS
  • Supplemental materials bulk import
  • Bulk document deletion
    • Full Text
    • Supplemental Materials
  • Improved email reporting of bulk import results
  • New HTA demo nest

Bug Fixes

  • Improved, one-click layout changes when AutoLit panels are at minimum and maxmimum extent
  • Unable to disable Critical Appraisal in Synthesis
  • Improper ordering of tag contents columns in tag configuration preview


1.65.2 (2023-05-31)


  • Toggle between Sunburst and Hierarchy in embedded QLS

Bug Fixes

  • Add extra publication date fields to RIS files (PY, Y1)
  • Disable double click deletion of searches
  • Disable creation of searches with empty queries

1.65.1 (2023-05-27)

Bug Fixes

  • Inspector Full Text filter on specific source
  • Bulk FT import failing when one or more PDFs are encrypted
  • EuropePMC searches failing when records have null keywords

1.65.0 (2023-05-24)


  • Generalizing Risk of Bias module to Critical Appraisal
  • Adding Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for Critical Appraisal
  • New bibliographic Inspector columns: volume, issue, pages, and NCT ID

Bug Fixes

  • Unable to add columns to tables of tags in Manuscript
  • Added explanation of dangerous admin settings


1.64.0 (2023-05-22)


  • Bigger and faster bulk full text upload and matching


1.63.0 (2023-05-17)


  • Screening Model Improvements:
    • OpenAI embeddings
    • Scite tallies
    • Oversampling
  • Advancement probability for two pass screening
  • Robot Screener for abstract screening


1.62.3 (2023-05-15)

Bug Fixes

  • Deprioritize Robot Screener in Auto-Adjudication
  • Numerical instability in QNS NMA for multi-arm studies with similar standard errors
  • Relaxed PDF upload validations
  • FT Blinding reappearing upon PDF upload

1.62.2 (2023-04-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Queues and progress bars for dual two pass screening properly handle switches between screening modes and off-workflow actions in inspector

1.62.1 (2023-04-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Correct font not appearing on all clients
  • API search not executing through Literature Search UI
  • Unable to view duplicate review bibliographic data

1.62.0 (2023-04-24)


  • Allocation

Bug Fixes

  • Database security patches
  • Number of reviewers displayed for dual standard screening


1.61.0 (2023-04-22)


  • User specified ordering of exclusion reasons
  • Color coding user keywords
  • Form Based Tagging question search & status indicator
  • Display number of prior reviewers for dual screening modes
  • Sticky AB/FT view in Inspector
  • Font change

Bug Fixes

  • Configuring Synthesis Access is laggy
  • Tag import option is obscured by visual
  • Double whitespacing in certain PDF annotations


1.60.3 (2023-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Downloading CSVs from QLS with protected Synthesis
  • Added CSP
  • Added HSTS

1.60.2 (2023-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • Redirect to new nest upon creation
  • Search exploration n-grams functionality returned

1.60.1 (2023-03-28)


  • Blinding of full text status for dual screening modes
  • Convert doc(x) study supplements to viewable PDFs on upload
  • Hover text for sunburst is directly over the label
  • Share button on QLS-specfic embeds

Bug Fixes

  • Don't show 0 unscreened record counts in PRISMA diagram
  • Site-wide load time improvements

1.60.0 (2023-03-19)


  • Tag Table Contents

Bug Fixes

  • Remove module completion selector from sequential module queues


1.59.1 (2023-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Updating tagging completion status for single records

1.59.0 (2023-03-13)


  • Mark modules complete for individual records from Inspector
  • Continuously adjustable module box widths (Screening, Tagging, Extraction, RoB)
  • Export Comments from Inspector
  • Jump to records in Inspector from Literature Search

Bug Fixes

  • Create tags in-process for Form Based Tagging
  • PDF annotation breaking for certain PDFs (UTF-8 null characters)


1.58.4 (2023-03-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag selection menu not properly closing in Form Based Tagging

1.58.3 (2023-02-28)


  • Reorder tags
  • Avoid orphaning tags on merge and delete

Bug Fixes

  • Improved visualization of overlapped tags in large hierarchies
  • Sheet based search import method showing API

1.58.2 (2023-02-18)


  • Export studies and tags from QLS
  • Inspector filter for Tag Contents
  • Reorder columns in Table Builder export

Bug Fixes

  • Clarifying Insight Embed UI
  • Highlighting the hovered root tag in tag config

1.58.1 (2023-02-14)


  • Sync updated bibliographic data: per-record and bulk action

Bug Fixes

  • Broken RoB Visuals
  • Tag config styling problems

1.58.0 (2023-02-06)


  • Hiding tags on Synthesis
  • Updated tag hierarchy visualization in AutoLit
  • Export through Inspector
    • Moved Extraction and RoB from Export page
    • Added Screening & Tagging export
  • Organizational owner may receive emails on public Synthesis change

Bug Fixes

  • Bypassing invalid DOIs in sheet-based literature search import


1.57.1 (2023-01-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Form Based Tagging dropping excerpt on any click
  • Improved arm creation, read-only cells, and status marking in Dual Extraction Adjudication
  • Making overflow of concepts scrollable in Search Exploration

1.57.0 (2023-01-20)


  • Abstract annotation for tagging
  • Import lit searches as spreadsheets of PMID/DOI

Bug Fixes

  • Update PICO highlighting when abstract is edited
  • Correcting IRR counts (exclude/exclude counted as include/include)


1.56.0 (2023-01-15)


  • Organizational Folders on AutoLit home

Bug Fixes

  • Improved layout of floating elements in QLS & embeds
  • Tag tip positioning in extraction is consistently visible


1.55.0 (2023-01-04)


  • Nest Backup
  • Return of the QLS Dendrogram

Bug Fixes

  • Truncating display of long nest names
  • Incorrectly positioned tool tips on PDF viewer
  • FT Import volume issues
  • Log in / Sign in wording consistency


1.54.0 (2022-12-26)


  • Search Exploration v4, featuring concept generalization & improved workflow

Bug Fixes

  • Negations in tag queries against all studies, not just studies with 1 or more tags


1.53.4 (2022-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Full text search performance improvements

1.53.3 (2022-12-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Support long API-based queries (>8k characters)

1.53.2 (2022-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • Scrolling issues in Form-based Tagging
  • Increased timeout on a number of requests
  • Auto-refreshing background jobs table

1.53.1 (2022-12-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Manual FT import broken; improperly attributing source of the file

1.53.0 (2022-12-07)


  • Bulk import of Full Text PDFs with auto-matching
  • Background job (searches, FT matching, model training) status tracking
  • Performance improvements to FT import


1.52.0 (2022-11-29)


  • Restyle of QNS and zoom out
  • Consistent scroll bars returned to the site

Bug Fixes

  • Recurring searches causing server overload
  • Overflow on nest home


1.51.1 (2022-11-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Import of tagging data with invalid UTF-8 characters
  • Nests not sticking in folders on AutoLit home

1.51.0 (2022-11-15)


  • Folder organization of nests on AutoLit
  • Heterogeneity statistics on QNS
  • Funnel plots on QNS

Bug Fixes

  • Radio button style/a11y improvements
  • Maintain Inspector filters when responsively switching modes


1.50.2 (2022-11-08)

Bug Fixes

  • PRISMA diagram showing 0 counts for all categories

1.50.1 (2022-11-06)


  • Import previously gathered screening, tagging from sheets

1.50.0 (2022-11-03)


  • Protected Synthesis

Bug Fixes

  • Bulk Full Text downloads properly unnzipping on windows
  • Increase in Manuscript reference list font size (accessibility)


1.49.2 (2022-10-28)

Bug Fixes

  • DOAJ Updates
    • Correct newlines & other whitespace problems in searches
    • Truncate searches to top 1000 records, per DOAJ limit
    • Added DOAJ documentation for search creation

1.49.1 (2022-10-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag edit opening after saving Data Elements
  • Tag question type not saving upon tag creation
  • Typos/improved descriptions for FBT

1.49.0 (2022-10-23)


  • Form-based Tagging
  • Improvements to related reports, Synthesis author ordering UX

Bug Fixes

  • Allowing text selection in study abstract
  • Added nest materials to nest copy


1.48.0 (2022-10-13)


  • Expert recommendation by bulk PDF upload (bibliographic data mined + FT attached)
  • Nest Copy includes complete data (most notably Manuscript, Insights)
  • Reworked layout for AutoLit Menu & Nest Home
    • User-level setting are inlined to respective modules
    • Protocol is edited on Nest Home directly
    • One Study Inspector link


1.47.1 (2022-10-05)


  • Embed/share all Synthesis types
  • Display Synthesis authors with abstract
    • Improved author ordering UI
  • Capability to share Synthesis for a private nest
  • Improved placeholders & directives for building Synthesis when empty

Bug Fixes

  • Tag import message for nests without an organizational owner
  • Proper edit icon color for exclusion reason configuration

1.47.0 (2022-09-30)


  • Dual Two Pass Screening

Bug Fixes

  • Proper layout in organizational tag template import
  • Unscreening option in inspector typeahead


1.46.3 (2022-09-22)


  • Supporting Annual Subscriptions

Bug Fixes

  • Full text import Bulk Action modal not closing on completion

1.46.2 (2022-09-20)


  • Improved Bulk Actions UI
  • New Bulk Actions
    • Mark Full Text Review
    • Reviewer-level control over dual mode decisions
  • Better wiki linking for file-based search import

Bug Fixes

  • Proper labelling of screening form for dual screening
  • Checkbox-based selection of RoB Data Elements

1.46.1 (2022-09-14)


  • Added comments to RoB export
  • Improved a11y labels in Synthesis

Bug Fixes

  • Disabling selection of empty exclusion reasons
  • Enabling button-based addition of user-keywords

1.46.0 (2022-09-09)


  • Synthesis home restyle and updates
  • New Synthesis embeds
    • Full Synthesis
    • All pages (QNS, PRISMA, RoB, Manuscript) embeddable


1.45.2 (2022-09-08)


  • New, distinct Sign Up page
    • Gather agreement to terms and user name in advance of credentials
  • Bibliomining upgrades
    • 5-10x speed improvements with to improved CrossRef querying
    • Maintaining order of references from bibliography

1.45.1 (2022-08-29)


  • Tagging Recommendations

Bug Fixes

  • Screening form UI improvements
    • Hover focus on exclusion reasons
    • Removed jitter when iterating records
  • More precise wording of several Inspector filters
  • Removed support for TLS 1.0 & 1.1
  • DMARC support via DKIM/SPF: more robust email

1.45.0 (2022-08-24)


  • Insights on Synthesis
  • One click exclusions
  • Edit nest & study level comments


1.44.1 (2022-08-19)


  • Improved tag export options
    • “Exact” tag export
    • Adding all (exact) tags as columns
  • Indicating tagged interventions in Extraction
  • Consistent color schemes within Extraction

1.44.0 (2022-08-13)


  • Mark duplicate records manually
  • Maintain multiple, related reports of a study
  • Bibliomine from using NCT ID


1.43.5 (2022-08-12)


  • Site-wide UI improvements, especially focused on a11y, improved contrast, and reduced color distraction

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing RoboPICO backfill for large searches

1.43.4 (2022-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected broken links in emails from mentions in nest-level comments

1.43.3 (2022-08-08)


  • Tagging closed by default for non-tagging modules
  • Ability to enter discount codes and tax ids at subscription checkout

Bug Fixes

  • Faster import of large searches (RoboPICOs are backfilled when > 500 records imported)
  • Preventing duplicate reviewer-level dual screening decisions
  • No sizing jitter for Full Text PDF viewer
  • Preferring Support page linkout over support@ mailto link

1.43.2 (2022-07-27)


  • integration: citation badges
  • Duplicate information in CER Builder

1.43.1 (2022-07-26)

Bug fixes

  • Display applied tags with no associated user (e.g. bulk actions, user account deleted) in AutoLit

1.43.0 (2022-07-25)


  • Robot Screener
  • External ID in Table Builder
  • Taxes included in Stripe checkout

Bug fixes

  • Performance improvement in Table Builder and Manuscript editor
  • Removing jitter in tooltip display


1.42.0 (2022-07-18)


  • integration
    • NCT Number added as a bibliographic field
  • Europe PMC integration
  • Query writing guidance for integrated databases
  • Improved Qualitative Synthesis zoom mode
  • Site-wide improvement of scrollbar appearance (especially on Windows platform)
  • Adding time value & units to extraction export
  • Export of categorical Data Elements in table builder
  • Last modified time & user for tags & RoB forms
  • Embase ID columns & filters in inspector

Bug fixes

  • Treating .txt as RIS in file-based search upload
  • Explicit allowed file types in search upload
  • Color correction of tabs in extraction configuration


1.41.3 (2022-07-09)

Bug Fixes

  • PMC ID filter in Study Inspector properly executes, and handles non-numeric inputs

1.41.2 (2022-07-07)


  • Making nest keywords editable from Screening Configuration

Bug Fixes

  • Import full affiliation for EMBASE RIS imports
  • Study inspector sorting all records even when top 100 are displayed
  • Adding back progress bar for Screening Adjudication
  • Corrected PRISMA report/record wording
  • Properly display public Synthesis for non-logged-in users

1.41.1 (2022-07-04)


  • CER Builder

1.41.0 (2022-07-04)


  • Dual Extraction


1.40.2 (2022-07-01)


  • Full Text Search in Inspector
  • Reduced dependency on DOI in deduplication (specifically, solving conference abstracts)

Bug Fixes

  • No redirect to AutoLit Home upon login from originally requested page, unless on at landing page
  • User Keywords do not appear editable from Synthesis

1.40.1 (2022-06-25)


  • Custom Search Engines
  • Unscreening
  • Download bibliomined PDFs
  • About link in navbar

Bug Fixes

  • Importing full author affiliations from RIS files
  • Searching user name, in addition to email, in user mentions

1.40.0 (2022-06-20)


  • Two pass screening (separate screening queues for title/abstract & full text)
  • Author affiliation search filter in inspector
  • Full text review filter in inspector

Bug Fixes

  • Improved inspector performance for very large (>10k records) nests
  • Navigate to next record in dual screening adjudication when overriding determination
  • Increase in abstract text line height


1.39.0 (2022-06-13)


  • Manage subscriptions & payment on the site, on an individual & organizational basis
  • Modify bibliographic data directly on Add Individual References
  • New Search Engines
  • PDF Annotations included in tag merge

Bug Fixes

  • Supporting lit search vennn diagrams for very large nests
  • Correct intersection of multiple literature search filters on Inspector


1.38.2 (2022-06-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Nest deletion button disabled for non-admins
  • Increased upload timeout on large files
  • Nest invite email corrections

1.38.1 (2022-05-30)


  • Displaying size of search venn diagram pieces

Bug Fixes

  • Faster upload and processing of large (5000+ records) file-based ris/nbib imports
  • Consistent PICO predictions upon upload
    • Backfill for all records without PICO predictions

1.38.0 (2022-05-25)


  • User Invites
    • Adding users to nests & organizations now requires a complete email (privacy measure)
    • Invited user receives an email & an option to accept or decline the invite
    • Org admins receive email from users requesting to join their org
    • Emails without an account may inherit their invited permissions upon account creation
  • Full citation export in tables
  • Tag description made available in tagging
  • Auto-selection of exclusion reasons upon on-the-fly creation

Bug Fixes

  • Loading a mentioned study when not logged in no longer covers the login button
  • Supporting PubMed queries over 4,000 characters long


1.37.1 (2022-05-19)


  • Duplicate Queue Improvements:
    • Ability to clear the queue, dropping or keeping all records for screening
    • Displaying number of duplicate records

Bug Fixes

  • Proper attribution of triplicate+ records in the Duplicate Queue
  • Defaulting data extraction configurationn mode to Data Elements (no hot click to reassign intervention root)
  • Defaulting file-based import dates

1.37.0 (2022-05-12)


  • Full suite of PDF functions
    • Rotate
    • Zoom
    • Download
    • Delete
  • Improved switching between reviewer-level (“You”) and adjudicating screening modes in dual-configured nests
  • New home page
  • New support page

Bug Fixes

  • Improved display of extraction on horizontally constrained data elements


1.36.0 (2022-05-05)


  • Differentiaing inspector screening status for nests with dual screening configured in:
    • filters
    • column options
  • Ability to filter to specific bibliomined files in inspector

Bug Fixes

  • Properly deleting bibliomine attempts


1.35.3 (2022-05-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Synthesis RoB visuals only display included studies
  • Synthesis RoB visuals only display domains where risk is relevant

1.35.2 (2022-04-29)


  • Preparation for new PubMed API (achieveing parity with PubMed web ~June 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Allowing tagging with an initially empty hierarchy
  • Truncating overflowing PICO pills in Search Exploration
  • Allowing deletion of tags corresponding to the configured intervention root

1.35.1 (2022-04-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Display a login prompt when visiting AutoLit home not logged in
  • Properly handling email preferences from account management
  • Reduced app size

1.35.0 (2022-04-20)


  • Extraction improvements:
    • Transitioned from study-level timepoints to data element-level timepoints
    • Ability to extract arbitrary many more timepoints than just Baseline/Outcome timepoints
    • Variable units in timepoint specification
    • Displaying continuous data element units in central tendency header
    • One-click metric deletion
  • Tag export
  • New site navbar
  • Improved language around tag deletion


1.34.0 (2022-04-12)


  • Merge & edit bibliographic fields in duplication review
  • New “plain” cursor mode in PDF viewer
  • Improved labeling and ordering of comments & mentions
  • Updates to citation string format

Bug Fixes

  • Clearing an annotation in the PDF viewer clears any excerpt text as well


1.33.5 (2022-04-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Timezone attached to publication dates causing incorrect bibliographic details

1.33.4 (2022-04-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Retain tag descriptions in tag template creation & import
  • Fix sporadic crashes of PDF Viewer for large files
  • Fix tag selection drop jittering on vertically constrained pages

1.33.3 (2022-03-31)

Bug Fixes

  • Bibliographic data editing fixes - PMID & publication dates < 1970

1.33.2 (2022-03-30)


  • Exploded tag searching in Inspector
  • New user improvements:
    • Account management updates
    • Guided nest creation wording & UX
    • New nest tips auto-open
  • Added pricing info to free tier paywall

1.33.1 (2022-03-28)


  • Notes for literature searches

Bug Fixes

  • Remove “Full Text” linkouts from rich text citation strings when DOI is not present for record

1.33.0 (2022-03-25)


  • Templated Nest Protocols
  • Copy record-level rich text citations to clipboard
  • Run searches immediately upon creation

Bug Fixes

  • Missing spaces in some PDF tagging selections


1.32.2 (2022-03-22)


  • Enabling larger searches (up to 10k records)
  • Emails for new user accounts

Bug Fixes

  • Broken PMC linkout
  • Author first/last name ordering in exports
  • Clearer language for email verification
  • Syncing NK email preferences with release & marketing email preferences

1.32.1 (2022-03-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag deletion restored
  • Do not attempt scroll-to in Extraction when DE tag is not applied
  • Deduplicating references within bibliomining attempts

1.32.0 (2022-03-13)


  • AutoLit Tips
  • Tag Templating at the Organization level
  • Automatic retraining of Inclusion Models
  • Ability to hide Inclusion Predictions (while maintaining ordering)
  • Perputation of Org Admin status to Nests

Bug Fixes

  • Properly displaying bibliomine attempts in Inspector Literature Search Filter
  • Improved guidance for Inspector typeahead


1.31.1 (2022-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Search deletion crashing when studies in duplicate queue

1.31.0 (2022-03-03)


  • Organization Management
    • User listing
    • Nest listing
    • Exclusion Reason Templates
  • Exclusion reason import
  • Persisting comment edits in AutoLit across page navigation & reloads

Bug Fixes

  • Sorting within pinned nests on AutoLit Home


1.30.2 (2022-03-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Site-wide improvements in page load times
  • Re-enabling copy to clipboard in PDF viewer

1.30.1 (2022-02-21)


  • Scroll-to annotated tags in extraction

Bug Fixes

  • Replace missing icons in Inspector
  • Nest Home tabbing display issues

1.30.0 (2022-02-14)


  • PDF Annotation-based Tagging
  • Within PDF searching
  • Nest Demos & Initialization for new users
  • Predicted Search sizes

Bug Fixes

  • Differentiating sign in & sign up links
  • Tagged DE excerpt orientation
  • Reduced client app size (faster loads)


1.29.0 (2022-02-10)


  • New Inspector Filters
    • Comments
    • Data Elements
    • Interventions
    • Other bibliographic data
  • Titling manuscript and protocol downloads with the nest name
  • Persisting inspector filters

Bug Fixes

  • Tagging form reset on study iteration
  • Displaying a user icon for users without a profile image
  • Cannot enter N=0 in extraction for dichotomous metrics
  • Full text export zipping for windows


1.28.0 (2022-01-31)


  • Tags suggest Data Elements for Extraction
  • Copying comments on Nest copy
  • Apply tag after on-the-fly creation
  • Democratizing certain nest settings, notably:
    • Protocol editor
    • User keywords
  • Editor stlying updates

Bug Fixes

  • Dashboard scrolling
  • Vulnerability patches


1.27.0 (2022-01-21)


  • Exploration visuals in inspector
  • Bibliomining from PDFs
  • Bulk expert recommendation from multiple identifiers
  • Bulk Full Text & Supplemental material export
  • Direct Google Scholar link out
  • PMID parsing from mixed text RIS fields

Bug Fixes

  • Dashboard hover text overflow
  • Improved Safari compatibility
  • Leaking key listener breaking arrow navigation


1.26.0 (2022-01-10)


  • Quantitative Synthesis updates
    • Random/fixed effects toggle
    • Plots of univariate & marginal distribution
    • Appropriate axis/coloring scaling/transformations
    • Styling improvements to fit wider site
    • Responsive/Mobile
  • RIS export from Inspector
  • Apply tags from extracted Data Elements using a Bulk Action
  • View and edit external ID from bibliographic data

Bug Fixes

  • Network diagram inaccuracies
  • Ability to completely clear an exclusion reason name


1.25.2 (2022-01-05)


  • Enter key to apply tags
  • Client side error logging
  • Updated privacy policy

Bug Fixes

  • SIGN RoB display

1.25.1 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes

  • JBI repeated question (case seres), and missing question (quasi-experimental & cohort)
  • No caching login credentials following account deletion

1.25.0 (2021-12-21)


  • Account deletion
  • Numbered citation export in Manuscript

Bug Fixes

  • JBI case series RoB form


1.24.3 (2021-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • Tag DE merge messaging correction

1.24.2 (2021-12-15)


  • Bulk action history + screening undo
  • Ordering Exclusion Reasons by frequency

Bug Fixes

  • Citation copy/paste
  • Tag, DE, and intervention merging
  • Pooling means with 0 SD in updatable tables

1.24.1 (2021-12-10)


  • Sticky AutoLit Menu (no more hover)
  • Directed Wiki links from AutoLit
  • Default Inspector filters
  • Improved home page
  • General AutoLit style assimilation

Bug Fixes

  • Inspector RoB filtering crashes when no RoB configured
  • RoB typeahead high risk filter correctly filters to high risk

1.24.0 (2021-12-07)


  • Risk of Bias - forms, Inspector filtering, export, Synthesis (domain distributions & traffic light). Cochrane RoB 2, JBI, and SIGN.
  • Exporting study size in table export


1.23.0 (2021-12-03)


  • Mobile AutoLit!

Bug Fixes

  • QNS Summary Table empty when only 1 intervention
  • Various Search Exploration navigation


1.22.0 (2021-11-29)


  • Query Builder

Bug Fixes

  • Disappearing Mention Selection
  • “null” displaying for empty last names in user search


1.21.1 (2021-11-18)

Bug Fixes

Inspector module switcher not present on tagging and extraction.

1.21.0 (2021-11-17)


  • Study supplemental materials
  • Nest Materials
  • QLS excerpt highlighting
  • Inspector improvements
    • Updating screening decision does not close study detail
    • Author search typeahead
  • User KW highlighting scheme improvements
  • Typing '@' in comment box auto-opens mentions

Bug Fixes

  • Proper error message when ID of expert recommendation cannot be found
  • Handling unpaywall returning a link to non-PDF content types (most commonly due to DDoS protection measures)


1.20.1 (2021-11-08)


  • AutoLit landing page improvements:
    • Search first ~100 words of protocol from AL home
    • Sort columns
    • Display number of records in each nest
  • Grouped PICOs displayed as individual pills when PICO collector is collapsed in Search Exploration

Bug Fixes

  • Comment deletion option only displays to owner
  • When unpaywall is down, full-text tab no longer crashes
  • Site-wide CSRF protections
  • Various style fixes, especially around overflow behavior in AutoLit

1.20.0 (2021-10-25)


  • Updated Search Exploration workflow
    • Research question specification on nest creation
      • Auto tag creation, keyword creation
    • PICO exploration
  • Restyled Literature Search, with added features:
    • Fuzzy term intersections displayed
    • Displaying number of total & included records being deleted when searches are deleted

Bug Fixes

  • Unfocusing gathered tag upon deletion


1.19.1 (2021-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • On the fly tag creation no longer causing crashes

1.19.0 (2021-10-19)


  • Email notification on mention in comments
  • Editing gathered tags

Bug Fixes

  • Study Inspector cursor refocusing
  • Protocol download filename
  • Improved behavior of Data Element configuration overflow
  • Ability to add an author when none are present


1.18.1 (2021-10-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Records without authors were causing crashes in screening, tagging, and extraction

1.18.0 (2021-10-08)


  • Synthesis components may be embedded on external sites
  • Citations to included studies may be added in Manuscript
  • Inclusion probability predictions as a column & sort in Study Inspector

Bug Fixes

  • Comments with multiple mentioned users are no longer repeated multiple times in “All Mentions” on Nest Home
  • When merging tags that are interventions, study arms of the source intervention are updated to the target intervention
wiki/support/releases.1718148551.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/11 23:29 by meadx096