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Related Reports

Use case:

Imagine you're screening studies and you see data from the same clinical trial spread out across multiple papers. You might include all these studies, but it's important to differentiate studies from reports. Each clinical trial is a study that in this case has multiple reports published. We would want this information reflected in the PRISMA diagram so that it is clear to the reader the number of unique datasets that are in the review versus the number of reports.

On the NK site, you can mark a study as a related report, and our software will automatically adjust the PRISMA diagram to reflect this. To mark a paper as a related report, follow these instructions.

The search only applies to this nest in AutoLit. You can search using the title, author, or year.

4. Select which study is the primary report.

5. When you go to the PRISMA diagram, it will reflect both the number of studies and the number of reports in the bottom left box. Integration:

When you run a search on on the NK platform, related reports can be bibliomined. To use this feature, go to Related Reports for the record of interest, and select “Bibliomine NCT”:

For any record published on, the NCT code for that trial will be automatically searched on PubMed and be marked as “Related” on this page.

wiki/autolit/screening/relatedreports.1667938665.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/08 20:17 by kevinkallmes