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Extraction (previously named Tagging)

Next, is the Extraction module. Here, you can build a customized tag hierarchy of concepts of interest, and then apply these tags to records in your nest to extract qualitative data. The hierarchy you build is specific to your nest, and should reflect the qualitative information you want to present. The output of the Extraction is Qualitative Synthesis.

Configure Tagging

  • Learn how to configure the Tagging Hierarchy before applying tags to a study.
  • Note: Your Tagging Hierarchy is also used as the basis for configuring Data Elements and Interventions for Extraction. It may be beneficial to learn how Extraction Configuration works to inform your configuration activities.

Import a Tagging Hierarchy Template

Edit the Tagging Hierarchy

Tag Individual Studies

Form-based Tagging

wiki/autolit/tagging.1681149509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/10 17:58 by jthurnham