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Format Manuscript

The Formatting Process

Step 1 : Select target journal

Step 2 : Go to the target journal's website for formatting and submission requirements

These usually can be found under author “guidelines” or “instructions”

  • Questions to ask when identifying which requirements to follow:
    1. What type of article is being formatted? Original research, review, case report, letter to the editor, editorial, etc.
    2. Is an Abstract required?
    3. What type of Abstract is required (structured or unstructured)?
    4. What are the word limits for the abstract and text for the type of article? What is included in the word count?

Step 3 : Read through author instructions and create a list of all required materials and information

  • Submissions often require additional documents and information. These may include:
    1. Conflict-of-interest forms and/or statement
    2. Patient consent
    3. Disclosures
    4. Checklists
    5. Copyright agreements
    6. Co-author emails
    7. Corresponding author contact information
    8. Highest academic degrees
    9. Publication fees
    10. Color charges
    11. Suggested reviewers

Step 4 : Format manuscript and all attachments according to requirements

  • Always check the guidelines for each journal, but widely accepted standards include:
    1. Line spacing: double
    2. Font and font size: Times New Roman, size 12
    3. Margins: 1“
    4. 1/2” indentations at beginning of paragraphs
    5. Page numbers
  • Manuscript text:
    1. Confirm word limits for abstract, text, references, and figures/tables
    2. Provide an abbreviation list if required
    3. Ensure line spacing, text size, and page margins are correct
    4. Use appropriate formatting hierarchy for headings and subheadings
    5. Determine whether page numbers, line numbers, or other headers/footers are needed
    6. If the journal uses a blinded review process, ensure that no identifiable information is included in the manuscript text or figures/tables
  • Statements: Include any required statements in the specified location in the manuscript, with proper labeling and language
    1. Author contributions
    2. Competing interests/disclosures
    3. Funding
    4. Data sharing
    5. Patient consent
    6. Ethical approval
    7. Acknowledgements
wiki/guide/submit/paper.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/06 18:22 by katcow