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Determine Which Critical Appraisal to Use

1. Different study designs (Case Control, Cohort, etc.) will use different critical appraisal versions. Most will consist entirely of randomized controlled trials and/or cohort studies; however, different study designs may be included depending on the project. If necessary, discuss with the study coordinator to determine which system should be used. Note that it is the responsibility of the QC reviewer to determine the correct critical appraisal form.

2. Familiarize yourself with the different sections of the critical appraisal system you are using.

The common RoBs are:

  • Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN):
    • Cohort
    • Case Control
    • Diagnostic Accuracy
    • Economic Evaluations

NOTE: The instructions for the SIGN RoB are quite long (100+ pages!). The good news is that most of the information is not particularly relevant for the majority of SR/MAs. For quick reference, the most important sections to review are page #51 and pages #56-66. Other sections may be useful depending on the project.

  • modified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (mNOS)
    • Cohort
    • Case Control
  • Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
    • Case Report
    • Case Series
  • Cochrane
    • Randomized Trial
    • Non-Randomized Study

3. Know which study designs you are including in the SR/MA. Be familiar with these study designs and choose the correct critical appraisal template based on the studies included in the SR/MA.

4. Normally, two reviewers will complete a critical appraisal system individually. Do not collaborate on one with your fellow reviewer because your critical appraisal would be biased.

5. An experienced QC reviewer should adjudicate results of the critical appraisal and resolve any conflicts between critical appraisal results from the independent reviewers.

wiki/guide/research/rob/determine_correct_rob.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/25 21:42 by jthurnham